Execute Jar File Using Ant

This build.xml file is used to compile and run the java file and print the value on command prompt.

I have instrumented a sample java program in windows, using clover-ant and was able to get the coverage info when running the.jar file using commandline. Query: How to run an instrumented build in Linux. Download ANT from Unzip into the root of C: (Windows), rename the folder to Ant Create a file call antenv.cmd.Before using ANT.

Linux execute jar fileThis build.xml file is used to compile and run the java file and print the value on command prompt.
  • Ant Executing Java code - Learn Apache ANT in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including, Introduction, Environment Setup, Build Files, Property Task, Property Files, Data Types, Building Projects, Build Documentation, Creating JAR Files, WAR Files, Packaging Applications, Deploying Applications, Executing Java Code, Eclipse Integration, JUnit.
  • Using Ant to execute class file. This build.xml file is used to compile and run the java file and print the value on command prompt. This build.xml file is used to compile and run the java file and print the value on command prompt.

This build.xml file is used to compile and run the java file and print the value on command prompt. Here we are using five targets, the 'clean' target deletes any previous 'build', 'classes' and 'jar' directory; second one is used to create all necessary directories and it depends on <target name='clean'>; third one is used to compile the java file from 'src' directory to transform source files in to object files in the appropriate location in the build directory and it depends on <target name='prepare'>; fourth one is used to create the jar file and it depends on <target name='compile'>, it means that after completion of compile target, it will be executed; fifth one is used to run the jar file and it depends on <target name='jar'> and finally <target name='main'> is used to specify the default project name, it means that when the program will be run, it will be called first and it depends on <target name='run'>.

Execute Jar Files Windows 10

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<project name='Roseindia' default='main' basedir='.'>
<property name='src.dir' value='src'/>
<property name='build.dir' value='build'/>
<property name='classes.dir' value='${build.dir}/classes'/>
<property name='jar.dir' value='${build.dir}/jar'/>
<property name='main-class' value='Roseindia'/>
<target name='clean'>
<delete dir='${classes.dir}'/>
<delete dir='${jar.dir}'/>
<delete dir='${build.dir}'/>
<target name='prepare' depends='clean'>
<mkdir dir='${build.dir}'/>
<mkdir dir='${classes.dir}'/>
<mkdir dir='${jar.dir}'/>
<mkdir dir='${src.dir}'/>
<target name='compile' depends='prepare'>
<javac srcdir='${src.dir}' destdir='${classes.dir}'/>
<target name='jar' depends='compile'>
<jar destfile='${jar.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar'

<attribute name='Main-Class' value='${main-class}'/>
<target name='run' depends='jar'>
<java jar='${jar.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar' fork='true'/>
<target name='main' depends='run'>
<echo message='main target completed.' />

If you run this build.xml file using ant command, then the following output will be displayed.

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Python arduino serial port text communication application. Truse me on those port names. If I should open serial 9600 before sending data from pi3 to arduino what can i modify on the following code to be able to run it automatically: import time import serial ser=serial.Serial( port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=1 ) counter='60' ser.write(counter) time.sleep(5) ser.close note: tried to replace if condition about check serial.begin by if the read value!=0 after putting the following 2 lines - after the if - before,But doesn't work! Tried to send data while the arduino IDE and serial opened and it's going perfectly,but when closed the IDE i didn't get any response i connect arduino with stepper motor driver and when flashed code on arduino which listen data from serial 9600 which sent by pi3, so when i opened the serial i noticed that my motor moved on, but when closed the IDE got no response!

Execute Jar File Using Tomcat

In this output display, the class name Roseindia is not found by the compiler. Create a java file as shown below and put it in the src directory, and again run it with ant command. The following output will be displayed.

class Roseindia{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println('Roseindia Technology Pvt. Sonicgrace wifi internet radio. Ltd.');

