- Fate Hollow Ataraxia Game
- Fate Hollow Ataraxia English Patch Mirror Moon 2
- Fate Hollow Ataraxia English Patch
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For Fate/hollow ataraxia on the PC, FAQ/Walkthrough by The_0bserver. Over at Mirror Moon are working to get out an English Patch for this game. OK the english patch is for Fate/Hollow Ataraxia right? Unread post by kaylie » June 2nd, 2007, 4:29 pm I have problems installing it. I can't get the patch to work is there any specific place for me to put the files>????
Re: fate/hollow ataraxia in english? Unread post by Kid-Wolf » September 9th, 2009, 6:31 pm Or it could be the same on how mirror moon did Tsukihime the first time around. Fate/Hollow Ataraxia Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Fate/Hollow Ataraxia is a Japanese visual novel game. CRACKED – FREE DOWNLOAD – TORRENT. Re: fate/hollow ataraxia in english? Unread post by Kid-Wolf » September 8th, 2009, 3:06 pm Well if you feel obligated to help him, then the best thing to do would probably contact him on his site to see if he would like help frm the mirror moon community.
This is a page about the characters appearing in Fate/hollow ataraxia. Beware of spoilers.
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While the cast is almost identical to that of Fate/stay night Intervideo windvd recorder. , they tend to play different roles. Please do not add tropes from Fate/stay night to this page unless they also appear here. For the normal Fate/stay night character page, please go here instead for the disambiguation page.
Voiced by:Noriaki Sugiyama
The protagonist of the series, Shirou is a rather untalented magus whose only skill is basic Tracing and Reinforcement magic, which allows him to analyze the physical make-up of an object and then strengthen it. His dream is to become a 'Hero of Justice', someone who can selflessly protect the lives of everyone from disaster. He inherited this dream from his adoptive father Kiritsugu Emiya (who had given up on it) and is extremely naive on what it takes to reach that ideal, though he's also aware of that much himself.
After the Grail War ended Shirou, oddly enough, seems to have mostly retired into a casual day to day existence that is only interrupted by the sudden restarting of the Grail War, which he feels he needs to investigate as well as his confusion as to how the Servants are all still around.
Shirou is an accomplished archer (having been a member of the school's archery club without ever missing the bull's-eye except the one time he felt like doing so) and, following some training from Saber and watching Archer becomes fairly proficient in swordplay.
- Awesomeness by Analysis: Shirou is a lot better at planning this time around. Due to being aware of the time loops and being able to prepare accordingly for any deaths, he manages to avert quite a few deaths thanks to thinking of possibilities. Just see his and Saber's battle against Archer, wherein after several loops of getting sniped in seconds, Shirou turns the entire thing around into a Single-Stroke Battle in his favor.
- His Structural Analysis spell may not seem like much, but then it forms a HUGE part of his more powerful abilities.
- Big Little Brother: To Illya.
- Bully Hunter: He was this as a child.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Almost literal.
- Comedic Lolicon: In certain scenes he expresses a clear attraction to Illya (which is obviously mutual), but for one reason or another doesn't consider her an actual love interest. Though one pool event in particular sheds some doubt on this.
- Covert Pervert: Downplayed. Shirou's quite the gentleman, can you blame him when he's getting weird thoughts while he's holding Saber's hands while she's swimming in a two-piece?
- Crippling Overspecialization: Justified. Lifelong contact with Avalon has altered his Element and Origin to Sword. Therefore, he can only use any magic that has anything to do with these (Reinforcement, Spontaneous Weapon Creation, Structural Analysis and Bounded Fields)
- Deadpan Snarker: He tends to snark a lot in his internal monologues, even more than he did in Fate/stay night.Saber:These are the catalystsnote that Rin left behind. I was testing them all one by one just in case they absorbed prana, transformed and can now exert some evil influence!Shirou's inner monologue: I try to imagine being attacked by a pull-up bar. ..Definitely not something you'd get out of alive, that.
- In order to pass the Night Quiz, you actually have to give snarky answers to the 'mysterious Quiz Ogre's' questions.Question: The main heroine of this fandisk is Fujimura Taiga.
- In order to pass the Night Quiz, you actually have to give snarky answers to the 'mysterious Quiz Ogre's' questions.
- Decoy Protagonist: This is really more Bazett and Avenger's story.
- Determinator: Not even getting killed over and over make Shirou give up.
- Dual Wielding: He picked up Archer's dual wielding style.
- Evil Laugh: Believe it or not, Shirou has a mocking, sadistic and unbelievably smug little chuckle that he lets out exactly once in the voiced version of the visual novel — specifically, when his plan to cockblock Lancer by proxy just in case his Values Dissonance would get him to cross the line between flirting with girls and sexual harassment without realizing it goes off without a hitch.
- Expy: Shirou shares a character model with Tomoe Enjou; the two have similar issues regarding what is fake and what is real, as well. Also, Shirou becomes an Artificial Human like Tomoe in the True End ofHeaven's Feel in Fate/stay night.
- The Fettered: Shirou's ideal of wanting to save everybody is a large source of his strength. His abilities appear to have arisen specifically because of this, as explored in the final two routes of Fate/stay night.
- Fighter, Mage, Thief: An ODD amalgamation of all three. He's a magus who specializes in projecting swords for combat, but he has to get a good look at the swords in question.
- First-Person Smartass: Not very obvious. Then the realization hits that his narration is just as sarcastic as Rin's and boggling occurs. He is more of a snarker than people give him credit for, especially around Rin. Archer is basically what he would be like if he wasn't so polite all the time, is it any wonder why he and Rin have such great chemistry?
- Forgot About His Powers: He completely forgets that he can use magic and doesn't remember until kid Gilgamesh reminds him.
- Grand Theft Me: Via Avenger
- Hero with Bad Publicity: During 'Love Detective Himuro' sidestory, narrated by the eponymous member of the track-and-field club, it's confirmed that people not too close to him don't have a very good opinion of Shirou. His accommodating personality makes him look like either an Extreme Doormat or is just met with distrust, and his apparent knack to just get close to attractive girls gives him bad rep as some kind of indecisive womanizer. This makes tremendous sense, given the possible future laid out for him.
- Hidden Depths: Despite his memetically exaggerated stupidity, Shirou is actually very knowledgeable regarding the myths the Servants originated from, once using his knowledge to pull a trick on Lancer by getting him to eat a hotdog.
- He surprisingly admires courtly romance. His date with Sakura has her treated like royalty in the Einzbern castle, and he tells Taiga that he likes the idea of asking a 'princess' to a ballroom dance, much to Saber's delight.
- Honor Before Reason: For better or worse.
- Image Song: 'Kogane no Hikari'
- Invocation: Trace.. ON!Shirou: Touei, Kaishi!
- Magikarp Power: His original so-called useless spells of Structural Analysis and Reinforcement play a huge part in Unlimited Blade Works.
- Mega Manning: The whole point of Projection magic is that it lets Shirou use any weapon he has seen the original of. Also, Saber gets pissed off when she realizes that he's not only been learning directly from her and copying Archer's techniquenote but also picked up a move from Rider and copies a bit of what he's seen Lancer and Assassin do.
- Mr. Fanservice: Is seen shirtless a number of times, and shows that he is utterly ripped.
- Muscles Are Meaningful: While outclassed in strength by Servants, Shirou's muscles aren't just for show. In one scene he easily picks up a sick Rin and carries her to her room.
- Must Make Her Laugh: During a competition with Sakura to see who can stay underwater the longest, Shirou almost suffocates himself because he doesn't want to end Sakura's fun.
- Nice Guy: Being a bit.. er, overprotective doesn't hide the fact that he's considerate, thoughtful, and industrious.
- Normally, I Would Be Dead Now: Shirou is apparently not allowed to do anything awesome without first being reduced to a near-dead cripple. Ever.
- Oblivious to Love: He has a hard time understanding that his Unwanted Harem are in love with him, get jealous of each other, etc. Essentially, he doesn't understand that anyone could love him, that they could love ONLY him, or wish to make him ONLY hers.
- Parental Abandonment: Twice yet. Once when he was orphaned in the Fuyuki Fire, and a second time when Kiritsugu passed away.
- Possession Implies Mastery: Untwisted. He is not a true 'wielder' of any magical weapon he uses and any other character with this trait is inferior in combat to weapons true wielder. However, when he duplicates weapons, Shirou also duplicates the skill of the weapon's wielder. Like with the weapon itself, it's not as good as the original, but it works. So more of Possession Producing Mastery.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Shirou loves and is quite skilled at cooking, and owns a cute pink apron.
- Ripple Effect-Proof Memory: Whenever Shirou dies during the time loops, instead of just, well, dying when he's killed, he goes back to the beginning of the 'Groundhog Day' Loop with all his memories intact. This becomes quiteuseful.
- Selective Obliviousness: When investigating at night, he'll come across a sign of something badly wrong like blood in the streets or glimpse a monster, but always pass it off as something normal like a new red postbox or someone returning home. In act 2, Tohsaka hints that he's not doing it on purpose, it's just part of the scenario they're in.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: As revenge for tricking her to go to a women's clothing store like he and Sakura wanted her to, Rider makes the clerk think Shirou is her boyfriend and that he wants to buy some cute clothes for her. An incredibly embarrassed Shirou tries to deny it, but between his panic and Rider's skillful Metaphorically True wording and body language, he totally fails.
- Supreme Chef: A three-way battle over supremacy of the kitchen, between him, Sakura and Rin, happens quite often. Saber, Taiga and Rider are the 'unlucky' bystanders.
- Too Dumb to Live: He dies once because he literally forgot that he could use Projection despite including it in his plans and jumping out of cover.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Shirou is noticeably more snippy and perverted than his original counterpart. He attributes it to dealing with his bizarre living situation when Caster points it out, though Avenger's influence is the real cause.
- Trial-and-Error Gameplay: Ripple Effect-Proof Memory allows Shirou's repeated deaths to become big advantages. Just see Awesomeness by Analysis above.
- Unfazed Everyman: You would think being a magus would prevent him from being this. Despite being one of the most powerful Masters of the war, with the Servants all peaceful, Shirou spends his days simply talking with them, or even teaching them about every day life. There ARE limits to what he can take though, especially considering that his Unwanted Harem can be pretty scary.
Voiced by:Hitomi Nabatame
Bazett is the Master of the mysterious new Servant, Avenger. While the Grail War appears to be going on and she is fighting other Masters and Servants who seem completely unrelated to the main cast, she is also working to both destroy the black wolf monster familiars and discover the identity of the magus who she feels is attempting to disrupt the Grail War. That said, Bazett appears confused as to why Avenger is her Servant and does not remember summoning him, though as a properly qualified Master she knows he is her Servant.
Throughout Ataraxia, Bazett undergoes four day loops assuming she is not killed before then, in which case she merely revives at the same starting point anyway. When awakening, she always feels extremely sick, but considers it a fair trade for the ability to cheat death. She has quite the unique relationship with Avenger as well, whom she has both utter faith in and expects to betray her.
As a member of the Association, she has low standing, talent and reputation except in the art of combat, in which she is justifiably confident in her ability to go up against Servants both in sheer physical combat and through a special hidden technique. She's had a huge crush on Lancer since she was a child. Not that we blame her.
- Ascended Fangirl: The whole reason she wanted to participate in the Grail War in the first place was to summon Lancer. And most of her life was spent gearing her for the Grail War, even though she probably wouldn't have a chance to participate.
- Beneath the Mask: Her confident demeanor hides deep insecurities and self-loathing.
- Bifauxnen: The suit is supposedly to make her appear more like a man to aid in her duties, but men aren't often so cute.
- Bodyguard Crush: Inverted with Lancer.
- Boobs of Steel: Speaking of things that hurt the Bifauxnen image, she's quite well endowed, and true to the trope, she's also a master fighter even by magi standards. Avenger purposely got a rise out of her by Lampshading this very trope in his unique Token Evil Teammate style.Avenger: [to Bazett] You sure are a strong one. Got enough muscles in those shoulders to support that chest of yours? For somebody not using them at all, they're friggin' huge, y'know?
- Convenient Coma: Hey, it kept her alive — don't knock it.
- Dead All Along: She was the Master in the 5th War that Kotomine murdered and stole Lancer from, meaning she's been dead since before the start of Fate/stay night. But then shockingly subverted at the last second when Angra Mainyu reveals to her that he saved her life (in accordance with the wish she made as she lay dying) and, with Caren's help, kept her alive for the last six months. Once the loop of four days ends, she returns to her body, and to life, at last.
- Expy: Like Sion from Melty Blood, she is a socially awkward, purple haired young woman from a fallen noble family in the magic association who has half-requited feelings for the protagonist and uses relics to make up for her relative lack of magical ability.
- 'Groundhog Day' Loop: This is more of a setting trope, but it's worth mentioning here since the four day loop is being maintained by Avenger to keep her alive, after all.
- Handicapped Badass: Now has only her right arm, after Kotomine cut off the left one. She gets a new magic arm from somewhere or another soon after she wakes up.
- Infinite Supplies: Averted, she only has a finite amount of Fragarachs in her possession, so she has to plan how to efficiently use them in battle. Of course, because of the loop, she gets a new supply with each new life. When she learns to control it, then she'll be on par of Ciel from Tsukihime.
- Knight of Cerebus: She's not without her comical moments, but contrasting with the rest of the visual novel playing out as a lighthearted Slice of Life story, her story is much darker with her backstory and struggle in the Grail War.
- Love Before First Sight: Bazett's had a big crush on Lancer since her childhood. She hadn't actually met him or anything - she was just a big fan of the Ulster Cycle.
- Memento MacGuffin: Her earrings are a trademark of the Red Branch Knights. They figure prominently in 'athNGabball', wherein Bazett and Lancer kill each other for that loop, with her last words stating that she has those earrings too.. just like Lancer.
- Mundane Utility: In the epilogue, she uses Fragrach's properties of 'strikes last but goes first'.. to win a rock-paper-scissors match.
- Mutual Kill: Cause: Reversing a time-altering counter.
- Out of Focus: She starts out figuring quite importantly but her presence gradually dwindles and Caren becomes more prominent towards the end. Also, she's the only heroine in the story who doesn't get an H-scene.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': So is it 'Bazett' or 'Bazette'?
- The Stoic: She gives off this aura, but as Avenger discovers, she's really quite timid and emotional.
- Sugar-and-Ice Personality: She acts more like this as time goes on. Unlike Caren she doesn't get an H-scene though.
Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu
Caren is a quiet but ratherprovocative young woman who appears sporadically throughout the time loop, often before things go to hell. Though she is fond of teasing, she is also very forgiving of others' wrongdoings — she goes so far as to actually blame herself for them. Her goals are unclear for most of the time, though in the second half of the story she takes up a greater role. Along with Bazett, she can be considered the main heroine of hollow ataraxia.
- Bandage Babe: Due to the Blessed with Suck / Body Horror below.
- Blessed with Suck: Caren's body reacts to the presence of evil spirits, so the Church likes using her as their radar.
- Body Horror: This involves spikes erupting from under her skin.
- But Not Too Foreign: Half-Japanese, Half-Italian.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Eventually.
- Disappeared Dad: Being the caring guy he is, Kotomine left her in the care of the Church after Claudia died. Caren doesn't care about him either.
- Emotionless Girl: She remains calm and nearly expressionless even while pinching Avenger's cheeks.
- Leitmotif: Funnily enough, 'Caren's theme' in hollow ataraxia.
- Meaningful Name: Ortensia refers to the hydrangea, and karen means 'pretty' in Japanese which is a hint at her relationship with Kotomine, since 'Kirei' is a homophone for a word that also means 'pretty'.
- Naughty Nuns: Subverted. Caren battle costume is extremely provocative, lacking either pants or a skirt, and she freely admits it's designed that way to aid in seducing men. She will freely submit without complaint to any man who wants to take her sexually, including Angra Mainyu when he rapes her, seeing it as her duty and even referring to herself as a sort of prostitute. However Caren herself doesn't seem to have any particular sexual interest- any actual 'naughtiness' on the part of her character generally doesn't go beyond her propensity to make fun of and bully people.
- Nom de Mom: She uses her mother's surname of Ortensia, rather than her father's, Kotomine, because he essentially abandoned her.
- Parental Abandonment: Kotomine never cared about anyone else (perhaps except for Claudia, but in a twisted way), so he gave up Caren to the Church while he went Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life after Claudia died.
- Ship Tease: With Avenger.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': Caren or Karen. Also Hortensia and Ortensia. She's probably Italian though, so Ortensia is more likely.
- Strong Family Resemblance: She looks quite a bit like her Missing Mom, Claudia, introduced in Fate/Zero and briefly mentioned in the Heaven's Feel route of the original Fate/Stay Night.
- The Tease: She enjoys picking on others to the point of sexually harassing them, and her revealing battle costume is stated to be both for mobility and to invokeDistracted by the Sexy in her male opponents. This is just one thing she got from her father, Kotomine.Caren: Stop? Or what, you'll violently rape me? That's a bit out of character for you, isn't it, Shirou?
- Tempting Fate: She sarcastically asks Shirou if he's going to violently rape her, which would be out of character for him. Later, Angra Mainyu, who is possessing or disguised as Shirou, violently rapes her.
Voiced by:Kana Ueda
One of the main Magi of the series, known in the fandom for her Tsundere traits and her Grade-'S' Zettai Ryouiki. While Tohsaka until recently attended Shirou's school, she moved to the clock tower in London, center of the Mage's Association following a disastrous experiment before the story began and thus is not present for the first half of the story. Before doing so, however, she officially took Shirou as her apprentice to teach him more magecraft. It is hinted early on that she caused the weird continuity issues that occur during the story, based on a failed attempt to replicate Zelretch's True Magic.
Tohsaka is the Master of Archer and was temporarily the Master of Saber, but appears to have passed that Command Seal back to Shirou.
- A-Cup Angst: Not as bad as Saber, but she does experience a Heroic BSoD when she sees that her younger sister's breasts are bigger than hers. Sakura deciding to rub it in sure didn't help. But then Leysritt puts even her to shame, so it all works out.
- Aloof Big Sister: Averted. Whatever weird continuity is going on, Tohsaka and Sakura now acknowledge each other as sisters and care for each other accordingly.
- Alternate Universe: The Kaleid stick works by temporarily pulling a version of Rin from another universe that can fulfill whatever wish she has at the time, and forcibly costuming her in the process. Rin may also be responsible for the mish-mash continuity, as a month before the game starts she almost merges all possibilities into one, with some notable side effects.
- Badass Adorable: More relaxed than the stern and stoic Saber, but still more beautiful than cute.. that is, until you meet her Magical Girl counterpart Kaleido Ruby.. so darned cute she's beyondMoe.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: If she's smiling at you, something bad is going to happen.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: Rin definitely looks like one when Ayako and Issei walk in right after the Magical GirlTransformation Sequence.
- Creepy Cool Crosses: One is displayed on her shirt when she's in her casual attire.
- Equivalent Exchange: Supposedly a strong advocate of this, but it's a very poor cover for the good natured aid she gives at almost any opportunity.
- Expy: It's very hard not to see similarities between Rin and Akiha. They're both the young female heads of prestigious families involved in the occult with long black hair, blue eyes and essentially the same face. They even have the same Tsundere 'humph!' pose, except that Akiha's lacks the flying hair that Rin has whenever she does it. Both characters are in turn partly based on Azaka — young Rin and young Azaka look exactly alike. The resemblance to Akiha is even lampshaded where numerous traits they share are mentioned while speaking of Tohsaka, but the character is referred to as Tohno by a Sakura who is trying to hide her jealousy. Note: Both go to a faraway special academy, have flattish chests, act like perfect students at school, are domineering and more are all mentioned outright.
- Facepalm: Rin does this a lot, often because of Shirou. Though one of her multiple trollfaces also looks like one.
- Future Me Scares Me: Not quite in the literal sense. Rin talks with a possible future version of herself on the phone and finds that she apparently becomes a completely different person that's shamelessly smitten with Shirou. Being Rin, she doesn't accept this and bickers with her future self for a good while about the kind of woman Shirou needs, before destroying the phone in frustration. All without realizing who it is she's actually talking to.
- The Gadfly: Mixed with The Tease. Tohsaka doesn't limit herself here. Equal opportunity harassment. Even when she's not in the story, half the time she's mentioned it's because she's trolling someone. Of course, due to being what she is, she gets a taste of her own medicine too.
- Gemstone Assault: Her magic relies on throwing gems she put mana into.
- Good People Have Good Sex: Her adorable cat-pajamas love-scene with Shirou is full of pleasure so much that both lose their inhibitions and she even allows him to impregnate her than let him stop and pull out. Whether they will have a child is left ambiguous, but Rin looks happy. A complete and heartwarming 180 from their sex scene in Fate/Stay Night which was considerably rough and unpleasant for Rin.
- Gratuitous German: Speaks German whenever she uses magic.
- Hair Decorations: Her black bows.
- Hopeless with Tech: Rin, like most Magi, barely knows what a VCR is, let alone DVD or Blu-Ray. She hates technology with a passion since she can't understand it, although she is learning from Shirou.
- In the Type-Moon April's Fool's joke (with various Nasuverse characters setting up their own Twitter accounts), Rin has Archer set up her account, and starts using that as her secret diary. Hilarity Ensues.
- Ill Girl: Guest stars as one when she first comes back from London as she is having issues with her Magic Crest acting up and draining her energy.
- Image Song: 'Kirari' (Sparkling)
- Immodest Orgasm: Occurs big time near the end of her Optional Sexual Encounter, it's one of the few times that she uses Shirou's given name, repeatedly.
- Kung-Fu Wizard: She is a Nasuverse magus after all, so don't expect her to be uselessin close combat.
- Land Poor: Jewel Sorcery is EXPENSIVE.
- Last-Name Basis: Her and Shirou rarely use each others given names. Shiro even refers to her as Tohsaka in his inner monologues.
- Leitmotif: 'Gentle Everyday', which often plays during light-hearted moments.
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The dark to Sakura's light.
- Magical Girl: Her Alternate Universe self, 'Kaleido Ruby'. Really.
- Magic Skirt: Despite that S-rank Zettai Ryouiki and micro-mini skirt, she only loses the magic once, very slightly, in exactly one scene in the entire franchise, when she and Shirou are having a heart to heart in a graveyard.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: In the beginning it's strongly implied that it's her fault that all the different continuities seem to be impossibly mingled. Of course, it's debatable over whether she broke anything, considering that the Servants have a chance to live normal lives together.
- Not a Morning Person: Rin tends to be decidedly grumpy in the mornings.. It clashes with her perfect schoolgirl image so badly that even after knowing her for awhile, people are outright shocked to see her dragging about in the morning, completely at a loss for words and unsure if what they've just seen was real.
- Ojou: Complete with a Big Fancy House. Despite this, she's mocked as a bumpkin by Luviagelita, since she's from a country the Magic Association considers a backwater. As it turns out, she actually isn't very rich. Jewel sorcery is expensive.
- Out of Focus: After being a major character all throughout all routes of the original, she is in London for the first half of hollow ataraxia due to a near disastrous experiment where she almost turned Fuyuki City into a place where all possibilities come true at once. She comes back and features prominently after a certain event, though.
- Parental Abandonment: Her father died in the previous Grail War. Her mother apparently died sometime before the Fifth War due to illness, but was presumably in a mental home before that.
- Put on a Bus: For roughly the first half of the story. She makes her return in the second.
- The Rival: To Luviagelita.
- School Idol: Widely considered an unreachable Academic Alpha Bitch and one of, if not the most beautiful girl in Homurahara Academy. The fact she seems to be dating Ordinary High-School Student Shirou earned him a lot of negative attention, especially from her friend Kaede Makidera.
- Self-Proclaimed Love Interest: The school and her friends in particular believe that she's dating Shirou. It's implied that not only does she let people think this, but actually tried to collect on her bet with Ayako to be the first to have a boyfriend. She won't admit it to Shirou, however, and occasionally tries to get him to out with her without admitting that she wants to go on a date.
- Smoking Is Cool: Her Super-Deformed version which appears in the Tiger Dojos. Said chibi Tohsaka tends to abuse the hell out of everyone else's chibi figures.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': Sort of. Different Romanizations have spelled her surname Tohsaka, Tousaka, Tosaka, Toosaka, Tôsaka, or Tōsaka. The first three seem the most popular in that order, but it still hasn't really been standardized in any way yet.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: While Rin is rather fiery-tempered, she is actually very feminine. The Tomboy in question here is Saber, who at some points adamantly refuses to even be considered a woman.
- Town Girls: The Neither to Sakura's Femme and Saber's Butch.
- Tsundere: A Trope Codifier, and thus a textbook case. She is a Tsundere even in bed. Even more so in the scene where she argues with Shirou at length about him ruining the romantic mood, her pajamas and a variety of other things while they're in the act. She goes fully Dere for the last bit, though.
- Zettai Ryouiki: GRADE 'S'! She actually helped really popularize the popular combination of twin tails, tsundere and zettai ryouiki.
Voiced by:Noriko Shitaya
Shirou's formerly timid neighbor, now a true Yamato Nadeshiko. Following the Grail War, she appears to have moved into the Emiya household where she continues doing as much of the domestic work and cooking around the house as she can. Unlike her older sister, Sakura is quite straightforward in attempts to win over Shirou. Like said sister, she's a talented magus with almost limitless potential and has been learning magecraft from Rider to make up for what she wasn't able to do before.
Following Fate/stay night she has become much bolder and more aggressive, though still domestic. Shirou is horrified at the thought that she may be becoming another Tohsaka. Apart from that, she also appears to have taken over the archery club and the Matou household. She continues to serve as Rider's Master.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She gets a reputation for being a bit scary after she takes over the archery club captaincy. She manages to exceed even Rin at exuding invisible pressure with a smile on.
- Big Breast Pride: When the whole cast goes to the pool and shows off their swimsuits, Sakura is very proud to see that her breasts are bigger than Rin's goes full Large Ham when bragging about them. Then she has a Heroic BSoD when she sees that Liz's breasts are bigger than hers.
- Big Eater: She twice as much as Shirou does when they make lunchboxes. Although she tries to reserve herself out of fear of looking unladylike.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She acts sweet and innocent as always, but FHA plays up her hidden aggressive, controlling side. The story refers to it as her have always been like Tohsaka deep down and is just being more open about it, but the different is that Sakura has no sense of humor and is wayyy more jealous.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: She gets very upset when she notices other girls getting close to Shirou and is especially wary of her sister and Rider. The first is because she has an inferiority complex and the latter is because Rider is considered to be significantly more attractive than herself and can be very flirty or outright sexually aggressive, even when she's trying to avoid getting too close to Shirou for Sakura's sake.
- Curtains Match the Window: Sakura has unusual, purple-colored eyes and hair.
- Cute and Psycho: Sakura is a generally pleasant person to be around, but you can trigger her Dark side far easier than in Fate/Stay Night. Shinji and Shirou are shown utter hell just from looking at her diary.
- Expy: She is similar in appearance, and shares some aspects of her back-story, with Fujino Asagami (from the earlier Nasu work Kara no Kyoukai). There's also considerable overlap (especially the backstory) with Kohaku from Tsukihime, also of the Nasuverse.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: Thanks to lessons from Shirou.
- Green-Eyed Monster: She's super jealous of her sister and at times seems to be considering doing something about it, especially when Shirou gets involved.
- Grew a Spine: She's generally polite and smiles a lot, but she's very intimidating now. Shirou thinks she's becoming like Tohsaka.
- Hair Decorations: Always wears a ribbon in the left side of her hair.
- Hidden Buxom: Her clothes hide it well, but Sakura has much larger breasts than most of the other females.
- Image Song: 'Egao Hitotsu de' ('With One Smile')
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The light to Rin's dark.
- Moment Killer: Sakura turns this into an art whenever Rider and Shirou are alone together, likely to the bane of those who wanted more time with Rider. Probably justified, the few times she doesn't interrupt Shirou takes Rider on what's basically a date, and takes a bath with her, among other things.
- Subverted in one scene where she gets a call from one of her juniors in the archery club, and passes up shopping with Shirou and Rider to do her duty, essentially giving her blessing for Rider and Shirou to go on a date alone. This surprises even Shirou, who notes that she is changing, since in the past she would almost have certainly sulked about it.
- Odd Friendship: With, believe it or not, Caster. Housewives together!
- Pride Before a Fall: When she sees how much bigger her breasts are than Rin's and Saber's, Sakura goes full Large Ham to brag about it, and ignores Saber's warnings that such an attitude while just leave her to be crushed later. Sakura doesn't listen, and then Liz shows up and it turns out her breasts are larger than Sakura's. Cue Sakura joining Rin while sulking.
- Sempai/Kohai: She is Shirou's kohai.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': Matou, Matô or Matō depending on the source/transliteration paradigm used.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Like how Saber can turn into Saber Alter by removing her ahoge, Sakura can transform into her malevolent blackened self, Dark Sakura, when sufficiently enraged.
- Town Girls: The Femme to Rin's Neither and Saber's Butch.
- Underwater Kiss: After Shirou nearly kills himself trying to win a breath-holding contest, she kisses him to give him air.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Invoked. To get close to Shirou she intentionally started acting like the traditional feminine Japanese woman. While it doesn't seem to come entirely natural to her when she's being more open, she has come to enjoy it for its own sake, though.
- Yandere: She's gotten better about it, but you can see her Dark counterpart come out when the other girls start encroaching on her position with Shirou.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair.
- You Will Be Spared: Subverted. Shirou fully expects her Dark version to say this to him when he and Shinji get caught reading her diary. She doesn't.
Voiced by:Mai Kadowaki
The little noble girl, usually called Illya for short. She is in fact a living vessel of the Holy Grail, and her body has Magic Circuits splattered all over, which provides her great supply of magic. She is Berserker's Mistress, and lives in a mansion in the middle of a forest, with her Servant and two maids. In general, Illya appears to be capable of great cruelty and is a bid of a mood swinger, but is rather attached to Shirou despite all that and is rarely taken too seriously anymore. Her identity as Kiritsugu's daughter is now known amongst the cast.
Her abilities as a homunculus appear to make her something of a Reality Warper: If she wants something and has enough mana for it, it just happens. And she has an awful lot of mana. Her massive mana reserves allow her to flawlessly control the mighty Servant Berserker.
- Badass Adorable: A Reality Warper, and a flat out adorable one.
- Big Adopted Little Sister: She and Shirou are adopted siblings. As Illya is a homonculus, she doesn't age like a normal human, and looks like a small child, but is actually several years older than Shirou.
- But Not Too Foreign: Illya's biological father is Emiya Kiritsugu and mother, Irisviel, is a German homonculus.
- Cassandra Truth: Nobody believes her when she claims she'sShirou's big sister.
- Cheerful Child / Creepy Child: Yes, she's both. It's not contradictory.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: The most clingy girl. Some of the girls might get jealous, but Illya makes it clear she wants Shirou to herself. Though her behavior is tame compared to the original visual novel, where she once threatened to kill him.
- Creepy Cool Crosses: The cuffs of her shirt prominently display a row of them.
- Cute and Psycho: But even without that she's a bit bipolar.
- Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: She seems to have come to terms with this somewhat. Taiga suggests that Shirou take her to Kiritsugu's grave and Shirou tells Issei that Illya is his daughter, meaning she's probably okay with it now.
- Easily Forgiven: Tries to mind control Shirou during one of the events. All he does in response to treat her like a misbehaving child.
- Expy: Quite possibly of Arcueid Brunestud: Both have childish, selfish, catlike personalities, are associated with the color white, are referred to as 'princesses', and to top it all off, Illya's hairstyle is very similar to Arc's prior to the latter's Important Haircut.
- Backstory-wise, she's also similar to Akiha from Tsukihime, since they're both the biological daughters of the main character's adoptive fathers.
- Fille Fatale: Partially subverted by the fact that she's actually older than he is, although her mental age seems to match her appearance pretty accurately.
- In one specific instance, while searching through Irisviel's workshop with him, she tries hypnotizing Shirou much like she did in the Fate route. Unfortunately for her Shirou built up a resistance to it, and begins to embarrass her by flipping the question around and asks if she would be his instead.
- First-Name Basis: She generally prefers being called by her nickname of 'Illya'.
- Freudian Excuse: Let's see.. Parental Abandonment? Check. Isolated from the outside world and basically raised to be a sociopath by her mother's family? Check. Put through agonizing Training from Hell by said family so she could control Berserker and be their representative in the Grail War, despite the fact that she was mentally pretty much still a child? Check and check.
- The Glomp: Much to Rider's chagrin since it reminds her of how her older sister would jump on her neck to suck her blood as punishment.
- Gratuitous German: Being born and raised in Germany, she naturally speaks German in addition to Japanese. From time to time she lets slip a German expression (such as exclaiming 'Herrlich!' or 'Prima!' when getting a good hand in hanafuda).
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: She just barely reaches her servant's knee, and Shirou notes how incredibly light she is on one occasion.
- Hypnotic Eyes: Tries to hypnotize Shirou in one event much like she did previously. Unfortunately for her, he's built up a resistance to it.
- Image Song: 'Tsuki no Namida'; also shares a more 'fun' version with Taiga below.
- Leitmotif: 'Die Lorelei' by Phillipp Friedrich Silcher. Notable in being an actual German folk song.
- Little Sister Heroine: Now that her relation to Kiritsugu is known to the cast, she really plays it up. However, there is still no sex involved, much to her (probable) dismay. As in the original title, her more authoritative 'big sister' traits that she also possesses come to light from time to time.
- Magical Girl: Prisma Illya. Seriously.
- Nom de Mom: She uses her mother's surname instead of her father's.
- Older Than She Looks: She's actually around 20. Homunculi have strange growth patterns, but hers is nonexistent as she wasn't made to be able to live as a human. Because she looks (and acts) much younger Shirou appears quite afraid of being mistaken for a lolicon, even though he eventually outright expresses his attraction to her when prompted in Quartet.
- Reality Warper: Illya is not, technically speaking, a magus. She doesn't have Magic Circuits and instead her body itself is built to do magic as a natural extension of her being. So with this, she just has immense amount of prana to draw upon and can shape the world around her using it with nothing but a thought.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Some of the time, anyway. Generally, if the narration starts focusing on her eyes, bad things are about to happen.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: When Shirou invites Illya to the pool, Sella complains that it's improper for a noble lady like Illya to wear a swimsuit in a public place like that. Illya simply retorts that they just need to reserve the whole place to themselves and be done with it, which completely invalids the point Sella was trying to make.
- Sociopathic Hero: Played for laughs and she doesn't get to do anything too evil anymore.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': 'Ilyasviel' or 'Illyasviel'.
- Winter Royal Lady: Not literally, but certainly she is characterized both by her princess-like looks and character and her affinity with winter.
- Yandere: She really seems to be dead set on having Shirou, though she's much better about it than in the original.
- To put it in perspective, she has little to no problem with letting Shirou have a nice date with Sakura in her castle. She notes though, that if it was Rin she would refuse.
- Your Days Are Numbered: Her lifespan is 'why aren't you dead yet'.
Voiced by: Kazuhiro Nakata
Rin's former homeroom teacher at school and apparently the only other teacher at the school. He lives in the Ryuudouji Temple and is Issei's older-brother figure. A tall, stern man who rarely expresses any emotion at all, he appears physically intimidating, but is really a gentle soul who does his best to give each student a fair and proper education.
After Fate/stay night he and his Servant Caster married, meaning that both are now perfectly satisfied and unlikely to cause any problems.
- Animal Motifs: His fighting style is called Snake, and the way it works, his pairing with Caster and as his cold nature reinforce this theme.
- The Atoner: Subverted; while he eventually realised that the murder he was raised from childhood to perform was a mistake, he doesn't know how to atone for it.
- Badass Teacher: He's still a high school teacher and the characters now know that he's a Human Weapon.
- Confusion Fu: Kuzuki uses a very unusual martial arts style to pierce the defenses of skilled opponents. Once they're used to his movements, he loses a fair bit of effectiveness.
- Dark and Troubled Past: He was raised as a Human Weapon by an unnamed organisation for twenty years, doing nothing but training his killing art within the same 10x10 metre space, thinking of himself as nothing more than a tool, for the sole purpose of killing a single person before dying. After killing his eventual target with ridiculous ease, he questioned what had been the entire point of his existence if what he'd been preparing for 20 years for could have been performed by almost anyone, and instead of killing himself went off to just live in a prearranged alternate life as a schoolteacher until he died. His life was completely without any meaning until he met Caster.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: His eyes never have light on them.
- Happily Married: To Caster.
- Not So Stoic: It may be hard at times to see whether he really cares about Caster, but he has a heartfelt conversation with Fujimura about whether or not he's good enough to please Caster.
- Perpetual Frowner: He never smiles during the story.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': As there are two long vowels in his name, there's quite a lot of possible permutations to it. It's usually spelled Souichirou, Soichirou or Sōichirō in Fate/stay night media.
Voiced by:Hiroshi Kamiya
Sakura's brother and Shirou's friend from middle school. At school, he's a popular ladies' man, and appears to have calmed down from his incredibly unsympathetic start in Fate/stay night.
Contrary to his previous presentation, he now seems more inclined to sulking rather than rage. Shirou appears to know about everything he did, but as he carries the Unlimited Blade Works ending character development he is primarily used for comedy relief.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Shinji has an odd scene where he laments to Shirou that even though Sakura gets X0 scenes, he only appears three times in the entire game.
- The Casanova: As a way of getting petty revenge on Issei he organizes his numerous fangirls to parade through the school.
- Chick Magnet: The main cast of girls don't like Shinji much, but he's very popular with girls at school.
- Demoted to Extra: He is depressed to realize that he only gets three scenes in the whole story while Sakura has so many he can't count them.
- Jerkass: Though not nearly to the extent as in Fate/stay night.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Is now being 'smacked around' when he's a jerk, by Ayako Mitsuzuri, and Sakura jokes about not quite being willing to do it just yet..
- Leitmotif: Funnily enough 'Go! Shinji Oh'.
- Turn Out Like His Father: Let me see.. haughty attitude, a dirty coward, curly blue hair, owned by an Emiya in the past, manipulated by Zouken, hated his younger and more capable sibling and was tagged as useless by his own family? Check, check and check. And in Hollow Ataraxia he even starts sulking in the same fashion Byakuya did in Fate/Zero!'I'm naturally emo. I'm definitely a Matou. My grandfather, father and even my father's little brother could only sulk like this because sulking fit them.'
Voiced by: Masane Tsukayama
The head of the Matou family and the cause of a great deal of misery for many characters. While he is still alive and apparently unpunished for his treatment of Sakura, it turns out he's been terrified into submission by her. Thus, he makes no real appearances. For the time being as the senior magus of the region he has grudgingly taken on Tohsaka's responsibilities.
- Demoted to Extra: Even more so than Shinji.
- The Ghost: He's mentioned, but never appears on-screen.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Is now Sakura's bitch.
The former big bad of Fate/stay night, Kotomine is now very dead. He is occasionally mentioned, though it is bluntly stated that he has no connection to the current happenings of Fuyuki. Because he's dead.
Because he is dead, his position as the local agent of the Church means he needs to be replaced. There is currently a temporary stand in, but Sakura, Shirou and Lancer appear to be waiting for the permanent replacement to show up.
- Card-Carrying Villain: In a flashback, he openly states that he is incapable of love or virtue the way a normal person would understand the terms. He defines himself as purely, openly evil.
- Disappeared Dad: He's Caren's biological father, but he left her with the Church/his in-laws when she was a baby because he had no interest in raising her. Considering how he reacted to his own father's death and his wife's death, this was definitely for the best, whether he realized that or not.
- The Ghost: Since he's, well, dead.
- Killed Off for Real: Unlike the other characters who died in the original visual novel, his death(s) stick.
- Parental Abandonment: Did this to Caren.
- Posthumous Character: It's stated more than once that Kotomine is very, very dead and that he's the only one that's dead. If you want to figure out what's going on, ignore Kotomine.
- Small Role, Big Impact: He's already dead, but it was his betrayal of Bazett that kicked off the plot.
- Stolen MacGuffin Reveal: Bazett was the original summoner of Lancer, but he killed her and stole command of Lancer so that he could carry out his own nefarious plans with the Holy Grail.
Voiced by:Ayako Kawasumi
Following the Grail War, Saber appears to have established permanent residence at the Emiya household where she continues to teach Shirou swordsmanship. She is the Servant summoned by Shirou. Being of the Saber class, she excels in many areas of fighting and has a very high magic resistance.
Fate Hollow Ataraxia Game
- Action Girl: But of course, it's Saber.
- A-Cup Angst: Carrying over from when she fell in love with Shirou in the Fate route, Saber is very sensitive about her body and her small cup size. Lancer making a comment about Saber wearing a two piece swimsuit that only a woman with a more developed body should wear prompts her to beat him before he can even finish his sentence.
- Anti-Magic: An innate ability of the Saber class is practical immunity to magic.
- Badass Adorable: While more beautiful and dignified than actually cute, Saber's sincere and honest personality is very endearing.
- Bad Liar: She's not used to being embarrassed, so when she lies about something embarrassing it's really obvious. Like claiming that she was testing exercise equipment for demonic possession.
- Battle Ballgown: She wears a suit of armor that is shaped like a long fancy dress.
- Berserk Button: Played for laughs: Do not deny Saber lunch or feed her bad food. It does not end well. Also, she's rather touchy regarding the fact that she's young looking, as Lancer and an entire water park discovered.
- Do not tease Saber, period. Shirou has had many idiotic moments in this regard. Just look at her reaction to being teased about her Cuteness Proximity.
- Mess with her Idiot Hair and she will go Alter on you.
- Big Eater: While Saber is just Obsessed with Food, her Superpowered Evil Side Saber Alter genuinely qualifies, but manages to destroy Shirou's pride in his cooking with her attitude about it.
- Saber Alter: Lunch. NOW! <munch> Like always, your food is terrible.
- Blatant Lies:
- When caught playing with Tohsaka's exercise equipment, she insists that she was checking it for demonic possession. Shirou's inner monologue snarks about the horrors a possessed high bar could unleash.
- Saber was mostdefinitelynotangry about Shirou training with Rider and incorporating bit of techniques from her fighting style into his own.
- Brain Freeze: She gets one after Shirou uses the penguin-shaped shaved ice machine she found at the storeroom to make her some.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: Not nearly as often as Rin or Sakura, but she does occasionally hide her anger behind a seemingly innocent smile. When this happens, bad things are in store for Shirou.
- Cleavage Window: Her dress has opening in the chest area when she doesn't have her armor on.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: In an unusual way. Saber can get really possessive over her place in Shirou's fighting style of all things. She can forgive Archer's influence for obvious reasons, but Shirou making his own versions of anyone else's techniques is grounds for a mix of Passive-Aggressive Kombat and Training from Hell with Cross-Popping Veins on top.
- Cuteness Proximity: Mild, but she has a notable soft spot for stuffed animals, especially lions.
- Does Not Like Spam: An unusual example in that she liked the food in question until it was pointed out to her what it was. Specifically, octopus. She calls them demon fish and is horrified to learn that she has eaten them before. She appears to think they are the monstrosities that Caster summoned in the Fourth War.
- Truth in Television as some people in Real Life refer to octopus as the Demon/Devil Fish.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Saber Alter's new casual outfit.
- Evil Costume Switch: As Saber Alter, her armour and sword turn black-and-red.
- Foregone Conclusion: It's impossible to save Saber from dying because it happened about 1500 years ago from Shirou's perspective. However, this doesn't mean she can't live out a full life here and then simply return on the verge of death back to the battlefield and then die there. Thus, she's hanging about to enjoy life for a change now.
- Gender Flip: King Arthur as a girl.
- Hair Decorations: Her blue ribbon, which presumably keeps her Prim and Proper Bun in place. As Saber Alter, she wears a black ribbon.
- Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Saber has the nicest golden hair, and apart from a few moments is one of the nicest girls in the cast.
- Idiot Hair: Memetic mutation turns it into such things as a third hand, an oven timer, and the infamous Ahogecopter. Plus, if by poor luck you pull it off, out comes Saber Alter..
- Image Song: 'Tooi Yume' ('Distant Dream').
- Important Haircut: Rin cuts off Saber's Idiot Hair to see if it's a Reverse Scale.note It turns her into Saber Alter until the ahoge grows back.
- Jeanne d'Archétype: She's ironically a very straight example. She is an expert swordswoman, was born humble but became the leader of her people, pretended to be male, and was eventually betrayed by her people. It's often the first guess as to her true identity, including in-story.
- Lawful Evil: Saber Alter's in-universe alignment.
- Lawful Good: Saber's in-universe alignment.
- Leitmotif: Sword of Promised Victory.
- Marked Change: As Saber Alter, her skin and hair become pallid, her eyes turn yellow, and black Tainted Veins appear on her neck.
- Mundane Utility: After having pulled the sword from the stone, Saber stopped aging, or more precisely she stopped physically changing. She also stopped needing to eat. She never grows, gains weight or loses weight anymore. Thus, she can eat as much as she likes without having to worry about weight like Sakura does, much to the latter's despair.
- Mythology Gag: Why does Saber not like octopus? Watch or read Fate/Zero.
- Why does Saber become Lawful Evil without her Ahoge? Take a good look at Saber Alter in Heaven's Feel.
- Obsessed with Food: It becomes very clear that she happens to like food a lot. Well-cooked food mind you.
- Older Than She Looks: Saber was around 25 when she died, but due to the fact that she stopped aging once she obtained Avalon, she looks around 14/15.
- One-Handed Zweihänder: You can unlock a wallpaper of her dual wielding Excalibur and Caliburn. While the swords are of a fairly realistic size and not the hugely exaggerated sort that is often seen for this, you also have to take into account that Saber barely hits five feet tall and has a rather waifish build. But it sure looks cool.
- Paint It Black: Saber Alter's armour is black with red Tron Lines.
- Perpetual Frowner: Saber Alter has a super-powered evil version of her usual Poker Face.
- Pretty Freeloader: As Caster and Rider point out, Saber doesn't really do anything all day apart from eat. Caster is a housewife and Rider is a shop assistant, which leaves them both stressed. So they put aside their differences to attack the obnoxious lecturer that just entered the shop to preach at them.
- Proper Tights with a Skirt: In her civilian outfit, she wears a skirt and tights given to her by Rin.
- She Is the King: The Once and Future King, yet.
- Skirt over Slacks: When wearing her Battle Ballgown, as shown here◊.
- Sore Loser: Poor Shirou finds out the hard way that Saber can be VERY competitive. Often ends in him dying on the inside.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': Fate/complete material gives the official romanization for her name as Altria, while mirror-moon's translation gives Arturia.
- And then there's the 'Master Artoria' wallpaper.
- Super Drowning Skills: This is rather hilarious, because she can actually Walk on Water, since she's got the blessing of the Lady of the Lake.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Saber can transform into her Alter form if her Idiot Hair is removed.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Although Saber does have Lady of War elegance, she still acts very tomboyish. She apparently doesn't have the slightest idea of how to go about being girly. Tohsaka suggests she ask Shirou for advice on things such as what underwear to buy.
- Town Girls: The Butch to Rin's Neither and Sakura's Femme.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Even though Saber likes everything, here it's shown that Saber Alter really likes burgers. Burgers by the truckload.
- Tranquil Fury: Played for Laughs. You know that Shirou has managed to piss her off if she shows up to their daily sparring sessions smiling, happy.. and wearing her armor. Cue ass-kicking.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Rider.
- Waif-Fu: Either justified or an aversion depending on how you look at it. Without buffing herself with magic, she's actually pretty weak.
- Walk on Water: Saber was given this ability by the Lady of the Lake, but as a result she can't swim. Her trip to the water park with Shirou to learn is both hilarious and heartwarming.
- Wave Motion Sword: 'Excalibur, The Sword of Promised Victory'. She also once possessed Caliburn, which had a similar but lesser effect. However, that sword was broken. Shirou can fix that though.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She seems absolutely horrified by a simple octopus in Shirou's fridge. Her statements of the matter imply she thinks that they're the same abominations summoned by Caster in the Fourth War. Upon seeing what she has been eating up until this point she refuses to eat them anymore, marking the first well cooked food item that she won't touch.
Voiced by:Takuma Terashima
A Servant originally summoned in the Third Holy Grail War. The Avenger class is considered forbidden because it is guaranteed to summon a villianous (or in the best case, an anti-heroic) Heroic Spirit.
His true identity is supposedly Angra Mainyu, The Devil of Zoroastrianism. However, after the Einzbern family summoned him during the Third Holy Grail War to give themselves an advantage, it turned out he was nothing more than an ordinary villager from the 5th Century Middle East who was randomly chosen by the townsfolk to become a sacrificial scapegoat for 'All The Evils Of The World', under the childish belief they would be free of sin if evil only originated within a single person. He was castigated and tortured until he went insane from hatred, but since his death from old age calmed the villagers, it ironically qualified him to become a Heroic Spirit.
Because he was an unremarkable human in life, his combat ability as a Heroic Spirit was extremely low and he was eliminated very early in the Third Holy Grail War. But when his soul was absorbed by the Greater Grail, an artifact whose sole purpose was to grant wishes yet had been activated three times without any such occurrence, a dark miracle took place. The Greater Grail granted the wish of the villagers, who sought a vessel for 'All The Evils Of The World', and began to transform itself into the ultimate manifestation of evil. Avenger's presence within the Grail tainted the subsequent Holy Grail Wars, allowing for the irregular summoning of Heroic Spirits outside of the 'good' alignment. The growing corruption of the Grail becomes apparent during the Fourth Holy Grail War, and by the time of the Fifth Holy Grail War the threat of it being unleashed as a genuine god of destruction became very real.
Expelled from the Grail with its destruction, the current Avenger appears to be fundamentally different from the humanity-destroying abomination it was portrayed as and very, very weak, but not quite as he was in the Third Grail War. In hollow ataraxia, Avenger is one of the lead characters and the protagonist for certain sections of the story, where he serves as the new Servant to Bazett. He complains frequently, is prone to outbursts of hatred and aggression but still appears to love the world. In addition, he is completely loyal to Bazett, though she does not understand why.
Though his abilities are weak, he does have the ability to return everything to nothing and thus maintains a four day time loop that also resets to the beginning should Bazett be killed. His Noble Phantasm, Verg Avesta, reflectsall the pain from an attack back on the attacker, but because it has to be consciously activated (and thus, Avenger has to remain conscious and alive through the triggering attack) it is next to useless in high-level combat.
- Ambiguously Evil: He's Ax-Crazy, but seems to have a sense of justice and tries helping Bazett in regards to her emotional state. Considers himself one of the top murderers ever, but loves the world. It's hard to really pin down his character early on even when he is narrating because his thoughts do not really seem to flow like a normal person's would. Considering Shirou's presence hurts Karen Ortensia, evil is what does that and that Avenger is hitchhiking (or something) on Shirou, you can say that his instory alignment would be one of the evil ones but..
- Answers to the Name of God: The reason Avenger got involved in the Grail War in the first place. He's not actually the evil god of Zoroastrianism, but the mortal man whose tortured existence as a scapegoat for all the evils in the world formed the basis of the mythological Angra Mainyu. Thus, when the Einzberns went fishing for said deity in the Third Grail War, they got him instead.
- Ascended Extra: While a major part of the original visual novel, his role there was a Greater-Scope Villain who didn't even get a speaking role on top of his very limited screen time. Here's he directly involved.
- Asshole Victim: His deaths are frequent, painful, and given what he was responsible for in the previous games, largely deserved.
- Awesome, but Impractical: His knives look like beast claws and fangs. That's all well and good, but it happens to make them terrible weapons.
- Ax-Crazy: One of his very first scenes is him walking into a house with a family of five in order to kill everyone there, though everyone is already dead apart from one old man. There's no reason for it. Bazett does her best to keep him from doing such things.
- Becoming the Mask: He spends so much time living out Shirou's life and seeing all his good and bad times that it ultimately changes him enough to be willing to make a Heroic Sacrifice for his newfound loved ones.
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil: He is literally walking embodiment of this, i.e. he was tortured as an evil creature which, due to the villager's beliefs and the Greater Grail, made him into something evil. More explicitly, when he was alive, he was chosen as a scapegoat for all the world's evil by his people and brutally abused and tortured, dying consumed by hatred for humanity. His martyrdom enabled him to be summoned as an Avenger-class Heroic Spirit in the Third Grail War, but his defeat caused him to corrupt the Greater Grail with All the World's Evil.
- Breaking Speech: Angra Manyu gives one to Kiritsugu at the end of Fate/Zero, while impersonating Irisviel.
- Brought Down to Normal: Avenger is more or less as he was during the Third Grail War, having had his status as an embryonic Eldritch Abomination revoked.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Both Angra Manyu and the Avenger class were mentioned in Unlimited Blade Works, fleshed out in Heaven's Feel, and then basically forgotten. And now here he is!
- The Corruption:
- When he was defeated in the Third Grail war, he corrupted the Greater Grail, using it as a womb to be reborn.
- The black sludge Angra Mainyu manifested as within the Grail contaminates the souls of anything it touches, giving Servants a physical body and limitless prana but turning them evil, a process referred to as blackening. It's how Saber is transformed into Saber Alter in Heaven's Feel. Gilgamesh partially resists being blackened in Fate/Zero, attaining a physical body but not being driven completely mad due to his ego.
- Counter Attack: Avenger didn't have a Noble Phantasm during the Third Grail War, which got him killed. This time around, he has a set of oddly-shaped knives called Verg Avesta, which bounce back the pain from any attack he suffers.
- Dead Person Impersonation: Angra Mainyu impersonates Irisviel von Einzbern in Fate/Zero and the 2015 Unlimited Blade Works anime.
- Demonic Possession: One of the possible explanations for The relationship between Shirou and Avenger.
- The Devil Is a Loser: The Greater-Scope Villain of the previous games is shown to be a rather pathetic wretch and a feeble warrior when robbed of the Greater Grail's power.
- Everyone Calls Him 'Barkeep': His name is not actually Angra Mainyu. He says he has no name anymore because it was taken from him. Rather, Angra Mainyu is a title and a way of projecting the villager's 'evil' onto an appropriate source. The logic is that they make him into the devil of their religion and then treat him as the container of all the evils in the world. Because the evil is contained within him, it is therefore impossible that the villagers themselves could contain any evil, and it is justifiable to torture him in order to punish the source of all evil.
- The Faceless: You don't actually get to see more than his outline for a large portion of the story and even that is rare.
- Foil: To his minion and accomplice Kotomine. While Kotomine was a stoic and at times poetic antagonist who dies empty and hateful, Avenger is a belligerent and vulgar entity. They are both similarly afflicted with a predisposition towards evil that rewards them for committing vile acts, but Avenger manages to overcome his nature and does something genuinely good by saving Bazett.
- Fragile Speedster: As shown in his fight with Saber Avenger is actually pretty fast. However, one slash from Saber and he's unable to continue fighting conventionally.
- Freudian Excuse: He was put through a rather painful experience when he was still alive, which accounts for him trying to be reborn as a God of Evil, as well as his rather disturbing habits.
- God of Evil: The Einzberns believed him to be Angra Mainyu, the evil god of Zoroastrianism. Subverted in that while he serves as the basis for the myth of Angra Mainyu, he's actually a pathetically weak Heroic Spirit when not merged with the Greater Grail.
- Gone Horribly Right: When he was alive, the people of his village tried to turn him into the embodiment of All The World's Evil. They eventually succeeded beyond their wildest imaginations.
- Greater-Scope Villain: Angra Mainyu/Avenger is behind the trouble of Fate/Zero and Fate/stay night, as he is the source of the Greater Grail's corruption. He only becomes directly involved in the conflict when he drives Kiritsugu to despair, resurrects Kirei, gives Gilgamesh a physical body, and sets Fuyuki on fire at the end of Fate/Zero; and partially manifests as the Shadow and corrupts Sakura into Dark Sakura in the Heaven's Feel route of Fate/Stay Night; and when he fully manifests in Fate/hollow ataraxia.
- Heel–Face Turn: In Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero he was an Eldritch Abomination dwelling inside the Greater Grail, and unleashing him would bring about the end of humanity. Here.. not so much, and he ultimately recognizes the error of his ways and sacrifices himself.
- Hesitant Sacrifice: As he finally ascends into the sky to confront Bazett and end the four day loop, he knows he'd much rather just continue repeating things forever. But that's meaningless and Bazett herself need to move on.
- Humanity Is Infectious: Angra Mainyu was a being defined by hatred and bloodlust towards humanity. Impersonating Shirou causes him to relearn how to care for others, specifically Bazett and Caren, to the point where he sacrifices himself.
- Humanoid Abomination: He was once a human and is human in appearance as Avenger, but years of being tortured and cursed have turned him into the embodiment of All the World's Evil. His true form is a Living Shadow that can become a werewolf-shaped monster, and he is the source of the Greater Grail's corruption.
- Humans Are Bastards: Due to how the people of his village treated him his death as a mortal lead him to hate humanity.
- I Love the Dead: A strange example. Early on, he considers raping Bazett's corpse out of boredom and, seemingly, because it's an 'evil' thing to do. This is actually more about him being weird than him being disturbing.. though he's that too.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: His knife is referred to as looking like a beast's claw. Bazett thinks it looks nearly useless due to the shape. Well, it's not like Avenger is any good at combat anyway.
- Joke Character: Take away the Eldritch Abomination powers he gained from infecting the Grail, and he's one of these within the bounds of the Holy Grail War, having abysmal parameters, poorly-constructed daggers, and a Noble Phantasm doesn't do any actual damage (see What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway? below).
- Knife Nut: His Noble Phantasm is a bizarrely-shaped knife.
- Leitmotif: Funnily enough, the song 'Avenger'.
- Lemony Narrator: Narrates the portion of Ataraxia focusing on Bazett's side of things. His style is.. unique. It switches between lust, hatred, childlike innocence, trolling and questioning of his own narration at points.
- Lethal Joke Character: He and Bazett figure out that his Noble Phantasm and Bazett's Fragarach make an extremely deadly two-punch combo that allows them to defeat all the Fifth Holy Grail War's Servants over the course of the loops.
- Living Shadow: His true form is a black silhouette, sometimes with glowing red eyes. He can also summon shadowy werewolf monsters called Shades.
- The Load: He is a very, very pathetic excuse for a Servant. Kicks ass at keeping Bazett alive, though.
- Palette Swap: Take a look at him. Now take a look at Shirou. See the similarities? This is one of the clues as to his relation to Shirou.
- Paper Tiger: His appearance and demeanor are quite threatening, but he's terribly weak in all respects.
- Pet the Dog: He gives Rider the advice she needs to stop transforming into Gorgon even though having a genocidal monster is pretty much exactly what he wants.
- Reused Character Design: Well, there's probably a good reason he possessed Shirou.
- Sarcastic Devotee: He mocks Bazett almost every chance he gets, but he typically listens to her and treats her better than he does most people.
- Satan is Good: Well, technically the Zoroastrian equivalent of Satan, who is actually a random villager scapegoated into the role, but regardless he does some very heroic things despite having a quite justified hatred of humanity for what they did to him.
- The Scapegoat: He isn't actually Angra Mainyu.. just some poor schmuck who had every evil of the world inflicted on him and then tortured. The belief goes that if they did this to him, they would be saved. This backfired horribly.
- Stone Wall: He dies very easily if caught unaware, but when fighting the black wolf things Bazett notes that his defense is absolutely impenetrable, though he launches no attacks at all.
- Tsundere: Despite all the mocking he tosses at Bazett, he actually cares a great deal for her. He's also Tsun for Caren and even more Dere for Caren towards the end.
- Weak, but Skilled: He's terrible at fighting, but Bazett notes he's absolutely amazing at defensive combat. By defensive combat we mean holding back as many opponents as he wants with neither side gaining an advantage, ever.
- What Is This Thing You Call 'Love'?: He regularly makes an idiot of himself around Caren — this entails flailing when she picks on him, trying to pick on her back (she just pinches his face to retaliate!), and raping her. Initially, he even mistakes this for hate. After much fail and consternation, he eventually gets it right.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: His Noble Phantasm. The ability to project all the pain of an attack back at the attacker? Great. The fact that he has to take that attack AND stay conscious through the agony of getting the crap kicked out of him in order to do so? Less great. It works in certain situations though, like taking an attack at full force and then reflecting the injury on the attacker to let Bazett finish them off. It may count as a Death-or-Glory Attack depending on how you look at it.
- Wisdom from the Gutter
- When he's serious, he can say some pretty insightful things to Bazett.
- His words and defining of what it means to be a true monster keep Rider from turning into the Gorgon and dying as it when she overuses Monstrous Strength while hunting in a fury.
Voiced by:Junichi Suwabe
Servant of Tohsaka and likewise missing from the first half of the story, Archer is only mentioned in passing and is positioned as a sniper if Shirou ever tries crossing the bridge at night.
Archer is a master swordsman and archer, though he does not really consider himself to be either due to being a magus.
- Archer Archetype: Archer is calm, analytical and composed. He's also extremely pragmatic. However, he's also fairly good at hand to hand combat.
- Badass Longcoat: Of sorts.
- The Blacksmith: Also known as 'The Blacksmith Heroic Spirit.' His version of 'Unlimited Blade Works' has steam and gears in the background, resembling that of a workshop. He likes to make weapons, LOTS and LOTS of weapons; it defines his very existence.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Though it's not natural.
- Deflector Shields: Rho Aias. Illya's castle makes him look like a hippy when he uses it. Remember, it's shaped like a flower with seven pink petals.
- Dual Wielding: Kanshou and Bakuya.
- Field of Blades: So, as I pray.. Unlimited Blade Works.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He saved a kitten who was stuck in a high tree partially to rub it in to Shiro that he wasn't able to do it. Then Makidera started calling Archer an 'ally of justice' for simply appearing out of nowhere and saving the day, which gets him very uncomfortable and prompts him to deconstruct the concept for the track-and-field trio, to little effect.Makidera: Ahaha, no need to be shy when you're that old.
Himuro:[nods to herself] Indeed. So desiring justice to be served is evil, is it? Wonderful.
Saegusa: Come on, kitty should give thanks to Mr. Hero of Justice too.
Archer: W-Wait a moment. What was it that I've just said? - Hyperspace Arsenal: His Reality Marble.
- I Hate Past Me: He and Shirou still really hate each other.
- Image Song: 'Rise'
- Jerkass: Badassery aside, Archer can be a real dick sometimes.
- Knight In Sour Armor: Believe it or not, while he thinks being a hero is a stupid dream, he still fights for good and is definitely not the kind of jerk who'd purposefully do evil.
- Locked into Strangeness: His dark skin, white hair and gray eyes are the result of his constant overuse of his magic.
- Mundane Utility: In order to match Lancer's fishing skills, he uses his trace magic to trace the latest fishing rod, which is both amazing and hilariously childish.
- My Greatest Failure: As the supplemental materials reveal, Archer's back story had him saving Illya just like Shirou did in 'Fate', only to see her waste away and die a year after the end of the fifth grail war due to her Homunculus body. It's one of the first real dents in his idealism, and the main reason why Archer never considers attacking Illya directly as an option.
- Nerves of Steel: Archer's strongest combat ability allows him to plan out strategies while trading blows and work out the most effective path to victory.
- Not So Above It All: Perhaps because he's not actively trying to kill Shirou now, Archer spends his time being himself, which can at times be annoying and other times childishly competitive.
- Serious Business: After saving a kitten, he goes on to lecture the track members about why he should not be called a hero of justice for it and that it's a meaningless title anyway in massive walls of text. Subverted when none of the track members (or the kitten!) particularly care.
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Completely and thoroughly justified. He can make his sword-arrows explode and can create an essentially unlimited amount of them to mind-bullet at you.
- Kanshou and Bakuya also work, as they magnetize to each other and will return to the wielder automatically.
- Trick Arrow: He uses various legendary swords (that EXPLODE) as arrows.
- True Neutral: In-universe alignment.
- Weak, but Skilled: Archer is the worst of the Servants statistically, and depends on several lifetimes' worth of hard work and experience to make up for it.
Voiced by:Nobutoshi Canna
In Fate/stay night, Lancer was the unwilling Servant of Kotomine and would generally turn on him by the end if given the chance, though the real surprise is that he managed to follow such a man as long as that in the first place. With Kotomine dead, Lancer has no apparent Master, though he does allude to such an individual if questioned, making Lancer connected to one of the biggest mysteries of the game. He knows it's weird that he's still around, but doesn't feel like pushing the issue, though he suggest Shirou think about it a bit more.
Lancer is a carefree, laid back Servant always eager to get into a good fight, and will never back down unless commanded. When not being an enemy, he shows a playful attitude and loves to tease. Actually, he does that when an enemy too. As The Ace of Celtic Mythology, he is thus good at pretty much everything. Throughout the story you can see him at numerous odd jobs including working as a surprisingly competent florist and enjoying himself fishing. After unwittingly stealing Shinji's fishing rod, that is.
- The Ace: Cu Chulainn was supposed to be good at everything. That's all well and good, but we mostly just see him fighting in the original story. In hollow ataraxia however he appears to be a master fisher, an excellent florist, a gardener and more.
- Archer can still beat him at fishing..but only by cheating!
- Blood Knight: Though he does love fighting, he doesn't care enough to go out and start fighting once the Grail War appears to restart.
- Butt-Monkey: It's expected with Lancer, but in the Hanafuda minigames, it's pushed to the extreme, with Lancer being pushed around and berated by Gilgamesh and Kirei, pummeled by Berserker, getting called a moron by HIMSELF, and having all his hard earned money stolen by Caren to pay for their hot springs trip. When Kotomine's team is doing poorly in a game, the blame immediately goes to Lancer, and Kirei says it's 'seppuku time.' When Lancer gets flattenned by Berserker, Gilgamesh say that Lancer's kind is 'the lowest of the low, basic human rights need not apply to him', and admits that the only thing he needs Lancer for is holding his cards while they play- and that' not even in a route that directly involves Kotomine's team, Lancer can't escape abuse even in other people's routes!
- The Casanova/The Charmer: He has a way with the ladies. Since his values are a couple millenia out of date, he consistently fails to understand why anyone would be troubled by this. Worth noting is that he manages to get Ayako to act girly, something Shirou has never seen before.
- Deliberate Values Dissonance: Played for Laughs. In his day and age, sleeping with piles of women without a care in the world was just a sign of his Lugh-granted virility, and nothing to make a fuss over. It's why he regularly cheated on the wife he loved despite being Lawful. Nowadays, of course..
- Friendly Enemy: He actually prefers this kind of relationship and finds it odd when people feel they have to be antagonistic towards people they might end up killing. On the flipside is the fact that this does not get in the way of the fact that anyone who is an enemy is to be killed.
- Geas: There's a subtle reference to the geas that got Cuchulainn killed in his original life. Namely, he is forbidden from eating dog meat, but must accept any food give to him by a woman. Thus, Shirou tells Himuro that if he starts getting too attentive she should offer him a hot dog without telling him what it is until he eats it. His reaction is exactly as Shirou anticipated.
- He also explains his backstory as well, explaining everything..including his true name.
- Aside from that, he's also skilled in runes and the usage of geas himself.
- Instant Runes: He CAN do this. We just don't see it.
- Lawful Neutral: In-Universe alignment. He has promised himself to obey all the orders of anyone he has sworn loyalty to.
- Mundane Utility: Uses Gae Bolg to cut a bouquet for Ayako.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Shirou talks to him about his past and he reveals that he died without any regrets, even when he accidentally killed his own son.
- My Greatest Failure: Subverted. While he does feel bad about killing his son, Connla, since it was his fault that he got him killed — he told Aife to raise Connla with three rules: don't back down from a fight, don't change course, and don't give your name when asked, he doesn't regret anything he did in life.
- New Job as the Plot Demands: You can see him doing any number of jobs about the town as well as fishing. He's still good at everything, even being a florist, as per his legend. Lampshaded when Shirou and Caster find him working as a waiter in a tea shop:Shirou: Lancer. Changed jobs again?
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: The instructions he gave to Aife on how to raise Connla are what leads to him accidentally killing Connla years later. As Connla wouldn't give up and wouldn't reveal his identity, Cu Chulainn killed him in a duel and didn't learn of his true identity until after the fact.
- Offing the Offspring: Killed his son without knowing his identity until after the fact.
- One-Hit Kill: The entire point of Gae Bolg's activated ability.
- One-Man Army: Literally. As told in the story of his life he tells to Shirou, he was the only person able to fight for Ulster due to a Geas on the male populace that he escaped via loophole. And he won the war, killing thousands of people per day or winning every duel he came upon.
- Red Baron: 'Cú Chulainn' means 'Culann's hound'. In-game, he's also referred to as 'Ireland's Man of Light' on top of this. Caren amuses herself by referring to him as 'dog'.
- Spot of Tea: Though not British, he deeply understands and appreciates the different types of tea. He actually converts Caster in this regard, when she hated tea before.
- Taking You with Me: The final result of him unleashing Gae Bolg on Bazette, who has used Fragarach. Anyone else going against her would die via Fragarach upon unleashing his Noble Phantasm. The nullification and counter effect of Fragarach causes Gae Bolg to twist and warp in ways previously unseen◊ to achieve its attack.
- Timey-Wimey Ball: Gae Bolg works by invoking this. The moment he activates it, your heart has already been pierced. Super Speed, Time Travel, altering the laws of reality.. Nothing will work to alter your fate. Except for Luck. Which all his foes have JUST enough of.
Voiced by:Yuu Asakawa
The tall, dark, silent, gorgeous Servant of Sakura, Rider seems to have relaxed greatly after the Grail War. While a very nice person, Rider's first priority is still Sakura and she would absorb the entire town using Bloodfort Andromeda to keep her safe if necessary. Her identity and backstory as Medusa is expanded on as compared to Fate/stay night.
Rider is physically the strongest of the female Servants and has something of a complex about both it and her height. She's also incredibly agile and Shirou is attempting to pick up some of her fighting style, which does not go over well with Saber.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: An in-universe example. Rider thinks that Sakura is more lustful than she lets on; it's left ambiguous as to whether Rider's correct or just projecting her own repression onto Sakura.
- Anti-Magic: Rider has innate magic resistance as part of her class, although it's not quite Saber's level.
- Ascended Extra: She was a relativity minor character in the original visual novel who didn't even have much screen time in the route that featured her most prominently. Here she appears far more often, routinely getting events where Shirou can see her.
- The Atoner: Although she forgets this until reminded after a freak-out near the end, she originally decided to become Sakura's Servant to prevent Sakura from becoming a man-eating monster like she did when she was alive.
- Attempted Rape: Rider tries to rape Shirou in his dreams again to get him to more aggressively go after Sakura. Shirou Projects Rider's Noble Phantasm and reverses it on her, while a copy of Sakura's soul that was in the dream beforehand tells Shirou how Rider really feels about him. She eventually admits it and enjoys herself, but wipes Shirou's memory of the whole thing afterwards.
- The Beastmaster: As a nature spirit she has the ability to summon some types of beasts to aid her and is capable of riding them. In Fate she summoned a massive Pegasus that is nearly as powerful as a dragon like it was nothing. Shirou decides he should probably avoid serving horse meat in consideration of the Pegasus.
- Benevolent Boss: She likes working for the antiques store's owner. Unfortunately, the customers are a different story.
- Big Little Sister: She looks way older than her older sisters, since she isn't immortal like them.
- Bi the Way: Rider's definitely hot for Shirou and has something of a predatory crush on Mitsuzuri, which makes the latter very nervous.
- Blindfolded Vision: Subverted. Her blindfold, the Breaker Gorgon Noble Phantasm, is stated in Fate/stay night's Status sheets to seal all properties of her eyes, including vision. She relies on her other senses for everything. It works well enough that her blindness isn't noticeable at all. Although she was unable to read until she obtained her 'Mystic Eye Killer' glasses.
- Boobs of Steel: She has the largest bust of any female servant and is the physically strongest female servant, even if she can't match Saber in close combat.
- Bookworm: Now that she's got the means to seal her Mystic Eyes without blocking her sight, she can often be found reading a book.
- Cast From Hitpoints: She has to slash herself on the neck to summon the pegasus, just like in the original legend.
- Chain of Command: Wears a leather collar on her neck as part of her standard battle costume.
- Chaotic Good: In-universe alignment.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Everything about her from the eyes of petrification, a summoning technique that requires her to cut her own throat, a boundary field that turns everyone inside into tasty soul and her vampiric abilities to her very identity just screams DARK CREATURE, but once you get to know her, she's really not. Really.. a good Medusa, anyone?
- Deadly Gaze: She has Mystic Eyes of Petrification called Cybele, classified as Jewel under the Noble Colors labels, and with rectangular pupils. Unlike other Mystic Eyes, hers are always active and need to be sealed by either Breaker Gorgon or her special glasses.
- Death of Personality: Rider makes it clear that her Medusa and Gorgon forms are completely different people. When she became Gorgon in her past, she killed her precious sisters she spent so long protecting.
- Did Not Think This Through: A double example; she realizes while thinking out loud that people might notice the bite marks she's left on Shirou's neck.
- Does Not Like Spam: Like Saber she'll eat mostly anything (but it's not really a notable character trait like Saber), but as one might imagine from her class and true identity, she refuses to eat either snakes or horses. Of course, right after Shirou finds this out and comments that they would never eat snake, Saber tells him that Taiga brought home snake wine the other day..note Since she's from the Western part of the world, she also does not care for traditional Japanese dishes such as umeboshi or natto and can't understand how Saber manages to eat them.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Mystic Eyes: Cybele, which will leave you Taken for Granite.
- Gorgeous Gorgon:
- She seems to be widely considered as the most beautiful person anyone in-story has ever seen. However, she implies that this is not actually what she looked like in her original life and that the Throne of Heroes picked her up at her 'heroic prime' before she turned into the legendary monster.
- For a particular example, one time she went to deliver Sakura's forgotten lunch for her and Shirou, all male and female students present just couldn't get themselves over how beautiful she was and wondered if she was a model or a some sort of celebrity. Some girls even went as far as to ask themselves whether someone as beautiful as her was even human, which isn't that far off the mark.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Inverted. After Shirou finally managed to (literally) drag Rider to a women's clothing store just like he promised to Sakura, he told the clerk that she didn't have any good-looking clothes. Rider — who didn't want to go in the first place because of her inferiority complex over her appearance — resigns herself to her fate, but not without exacting a bit of revenge on the guy:Rider: ……That's correct. My boyfriend is saying that he would like you to make me look cuter.
Shirou:Waaaaaaaaaaa!!!? - Hellish Pupils: Rider has unusual, square-shaped pupils that are used to identify her Glowing Eyes of Doom.
- Homoerotic Subtext: With Ayako, much to the latter's unease.
- Huge Schoolgirl: In Heaven's Feel route in the original she was revealed as being conscious of her height. She also appears self conscious about her sheer strength here.
- I Am a Monster: Gets a scene about it. The gist of it is that A. she actually really isn't human, she's a nature spirit and B. if it comes down to it, she's prepared to be really vicious in defending Sakura.
- I Am Not Pretty: Years of bullying by her more petite sisters left Rider with the belief that she's a clumsy ogre.
- Image Song: 'Shunji no Uzu' ('Instant Vortex')
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: As revealed in her Eclipse scene by.. a copy of Sakura's soul or something? She actually loves Shirou and deeply cares for Sakura, but she wants them to forget about her romantically and just be busy with each other. Sakura thinks it would be best if all three of them could be happy together, since she insists that she wouldn't be happy unless Rider's happy.
- Limited Wardrobe: Unsuccessfully Defied. Sakura and Shirou agree that Rider should wear more varied and flattering clothes, but she refuses to do it because she thinks cute clothes are wasted on her.
- Magic Hair: Sort of. In one scene, Shirou's entire lower body becomes rock hard after seeing Rider's eyes by mistake. Rider then washes Shirou in his bathroom with her super-long hair, after he massages Rin's magical shampoo into it.
- Matchmaker Crush: She doesn't (overtly) act on her feelings for Shirou because she doesn't want to make Sakura feel threatened.
- Meganekko: In her casual clothes. Justified, as unlike the blindfold, the glasses let her see while still blocking her Mystic Eyes' petrification ability, like Shiki Tohno's got.
- Metaphorically True: Rider once made a store clerk believe Shirou was her boyfriend to tease the hell out of the guy without actually telling a lie.
- Mini Dress Of Power: There's an actual reason for hers other than Rule of Sexy. See Stripperiffic below for details.
- Morality Chain: As Avenger points out during her rampage, Medusa could tip towards either being a decent, loving person or a vicious unstoppable monster, but with the desire to protect Sakura she just barely qualifies as a human and a heroic spirit rather than a mindless monster, regardless of her sins in the past. The realization is enough to revert her transformation from overusing Monstrous Strength.
- Mundane Utility: Shirou has a brief imagine spot of her cheerfully using her Mystic Eyes of Petrification to evade some police. Wisely, he does not mention this.
- Noble Demon: Rider is a genuinely caring person, but like in her myth where she took the role of a monster a little too well, her current self is at risk of reverting to it if she indulges in too much violence.
- Not So Above It All: Rider may be just as calm if not more so than Shirou's other girls, but just like the rest of them, she becomes very different when she decides to tease people or when she sees something she wants. Such as when she tried to seduce Shirou just so she could ride his bike.
- Poisonous Friend: While more or less a good person, Sakura is by far her top priority. She states flat out that should the Grail War repeat she doesn't care if the whole town is destroyed so long as Sakura is safe. In general she's quite willing to do essentially anything for Sakura whether she wants her to or not. Drink blood, attack Shirou, put up with Shinji..
- Power Limiter: Her blindfold, Breaker Gorgon, a Noble Phantasm that prevents her from using her Taken for GraniteMagical Eye. In her civilian clothes, she instead wear her 'Mystic Eye Killer' glasses. The latter comes with the added bonus of not blocking her sight, allowing her to indulge herself in her books.
- Properly Paranoid: Upon witnessing Sakura getting really mad at Taiga for stealing Shirou's food, she uneasily recalls how she drank his blood in his sleep. Then she imagines Sakura finding out about it, turning into Dark Sakura and punishing her. After briefly shaking in utter terror, she tries to do everything to get on Shirou and Sakura's good side.
- Silence Is Golden: Rider and Shirou spend some time just chilling out in her room, reading books. He worries that she thinks he's ignoring her, but she reassures him that she's happy with the quiet.
- So Beautiful, It's a Curse:
- Rider was this in her myth. Even in the present, her beauty can cause some problems even if just by association. For example, Shirou earned lots of envious hate from his male schoolmates when they realized that he was close enough to the Gorgeous Gorgon as to have her deliver his forgotten lunch to him, which was never his intention in the first place.
- Complicating matters is the fact that Rider has enough baggage to not consider herself all that beautiful. In the same example as above, Shirou saw the problem coming when he realized Rider was looking for him at Homurahara and tried to play dumb, but she didn't figure out why he was acting like that and her somewhat offended reaction made the incipient rumors about them even worse.
- Rider likes to swim, but her two (offscreen) visits to the water park on her own ended with a lot of guys hitting on her.
- Start of Darkness: She remembers her older sisters as obscenely abusive harpies for their constant teasing, but they did still love her. The constant mockery and belief that she would only ever have her sisters causes her to ruthlessly kill any men who approach the island to protect them, and the malice eventually warps her into the monster Gorgon. Her sisters voluntarily sacrifice themselves to her to try and stop her from becoming a monster, but she's too far gone at that point.
- Statuesque Stunner: By far the tallest female in the game, though she doesn't like that about herself.
- The Stoic: For the most part, until she decides to be a complete prankster.
- Stripperiffic:
- A dangerously shortstrapless vest. Due to her detached sleeves and Zettai Ryouiki, the actual raw amount of flesh exposed is less than usual, but it exposes exactly enough. Interestingly, this outfit actually kind of scares Shirou.
- An optional scene reveals that her Stripperiffic Servant outfit is actually an accidental example of this trope. Her black dress is a hand-me-down from her older sisters and would have looked modest enough on Rider were not for the fact she could age unlike the eternally young Sthenno and Euryale, eventually outgrowing it to the current Rule of Sexy-compliant results. The reason why Rider, or rather Medusa, couldn't have just replaced it is because they lived in an otherwise uninhabited island and the too-small dress made it easier of her sisters to bully her because of her Height Angst.
- Sugar-and-Ice Personality: She's actually an incredibly loyal and kind person.. but she does not look it. Plus, the first impression Shirou has of her is that she reeks of blood.
- Super Strength: She typically doesn't use it, though, favoring her agility. Reason being that if she overdoes it she might revert into a monster.
- Sweater Girl: For most of the time, nowadays. All it does is make her beauty more classy though.
- Taken for Granite: Her Mystic Eyes can do this if unsealed. Shirou has an imagine spot of her using it to to evade the police.
- The Tease:
- Rider loves teasing Shirou.. provided Sakura isn't around. With hollow ataraxia following more Unwanted Harem tropes than Fate/stay night, you can bet Sakura walks in just about every single time.
- There is a notable example when Shirou tricks Rider to go to women's clothing store because he and Sakura wanted to Subvert her Limited Wardrobe against her wishes. Rider gets back at Shirou by making the store clerk think he was her shy-in-public boyfriend who wanted to buy cute clothes for her. You can easily tell Rider is having at blast here.
- While Shirou thinks otherwise, this is actually a Subversion since Rider is serious with most of her attempts at seducing Shirou. One time she offers him 'Her body, no part of it off limits', in exchange for him.. letting her use his bike. Shirou's resolve was crumbling, until Sakura interrupted them. If it wasn't for Sakura constantly killing the mood, Rider would drain Shirou of more than just his blood.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Saber.
- What Beautiful Eyes!: Apparently, they're really fascinating. There is the whole problem of them being eyes of petrification, but the effects can be lowered.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Downplayed. Rider enjoys life in general, especially the peaceful domesticity of Ataraxia, but she still mourns the fact that everyone she loves is dead or will die eventually.
- Why Did It Have To Be Lolis?: The constant bullying from her older sisters (who, being true immortals, looked like little girls) about her size left Rider with psychological scars that cause her to have a Heroic BSoD in the present when Illya playfully glomps her.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Not as high-level as Rin's, but..
Voiced by: Tadahisa Saizen
A very huge and very un-Gentle Giant, Berserker is the Servant of Ilyasviel von Einzbern, and being a Berserker class, he is stripped of his sanity and ability to coherently speak in exchange for extreme boosts in all other stats. Despite his bouts of insanity and the Berserker class' reputation of killing their own Masters, Berserker is entirely devoted to his Master. For the majority of the story, he does not appear much as there's not much you can do with a character incapable of speech or high level reasoning in a character driven work.
He would normally be a very versatile Servant capable of filling any role but Caster and perhaps Assassin, but as a Berserker his fighting style revolves more around the age old strategy of RAWR SMASH STUFF!
- The Berserker: Well, obviously.
- BFS: Referred to in-game as an axe-sword, and for good reason.
- Character Alignment: In-universe alignment is chaotic insane, which probably pegs him under Chaotic Neutral. He lacks the rationality to make moral judgments, but apparently under normal circumstances he would be Chaotic Good.
- Flat Character: He doesn't have much character to him, due to being completely insane.
- Gonk: Somewhat. The whole 'Berserker' thing has some effect on his physique, notable after things like his head explodes, re-grows, and looks somewhat normal for a moment.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Extreme height difference between him and his Master, Illya. He's around nine feet tall, and she's roughly four. And due to scaling up with size, he's a lot wider as well.
- Played for a sight gag, when Illya's entire sprite hides behind his Sprite, and just her hand can be seen waving.
- Protectorate: DO. NOT. mess with Illya.
- Restraining Bolt: Illya herself acts as this for him, which says a lot about how powerful she must be in order to keep freaking Heracles on a short leash.
- Screaming Warrior: To the point that he punctuates practically every other blow with a roar.
- The Speechless: While insane, he only roars — and the visual novel makes a point of emphasizing the wordlessness of his roars by always denoting them with '▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!'. No 'GRAAHH', no 'RRAAARR', no any of the usual 'stock' SFX for screaming/yelling/roaring. Just blank rectangles.
- Unskilled, but Strong: Being incapable of any strategy more complicated than Attack! Attack! Attack! usually doesn't matter when you can shatter buildings with a single blow and move faster than the human eye can follow. In theory, anyway.
Voiced by:Atsuko Tanaka
Currently both Servant and newly wed wife of Kuzuki Souichirou, Caster appears to have calmed down a great deal in hollow ataraxia though she still comes across as being slightly evil. Though she is the Servant most inclined towards plots and grand schemes, Shirou knows that she has everything she wanted in the first place and thus has no cause to start trouble. Since she is much less troublesome than she was in Fate/stay night she's somewhat more friendly with the cast in general, viewing Sakura as something of a little sister and treating Shirou like a complete annoyance in her daily life while appearing to actually respect him.
Caster is the physically weakest Servant barring perhaps Avenger and relies mostly on her powerful anti-Army magic, her boosted master and skeletal Mooks to fight for her; she does less well in single combat. She also has a Noble Phantasm called Rule Breaker, a dagger which can dispel any sorceries on anything it pierces, including contracts between Servants and Masters.
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- Beautiful All Along: She looks very mysterious with that hood. But if you see beyond that, she's.. gorgeous. Shirou agrees as well.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl/Otaku Surrogate: Has an interest in dressing people up in interesting clothing. There's even a subtle reference to the Go-Go Enslavement scene from Unlimited Blade Works where she sends clothing to her former victim that horribly embarrasses her, but it goes undescribed. Mid conversation, she thinks it might be fun to dress up Issei instead. It's very.. frilly.
- Of course referenced in Carnival Phantasm.
- Date Peepers: She follows Kuzuki (dragging Shirou and later, Lancer along) to where he has lunch with Fujimura, suspecting him of cheating. She's wrong about it, although Fuji-nee of course does some things to make Caster angry enough to destroy a table.
- Does Not Like Men: Hates them. However, she's highly devoted to Kuzuki Souichirou and is a something of a non-romantic tsundere for Shirou.
- Expressive Ears: Caster's elfin ears shift when something startles her.
- Familiar: She herself is a familiar, technically, but this is referring to the dragon tooth golems she uses and Assassin. Assassin is unlikely to do as commanded, however.
- Fantastic Arousal: Implied. She is very insistent that no one other than Souchirou touch her ears, and smiles nostalgically when the subject is brought up.
- Happily Married: Meaning she's way less antagonistic, though still slightly evil.
- Image Song: 'Sasoi' ('Temptation').
- Instant Runes: She can make 'em, easy.
- Lady of Black Magic: She is, according to Tiger Dojo 28.
- Lethal Chef: A-rank Item Creation. Cannot. Cook. At. All. However, it's implied this is more due to her inexperience with local ingredients rather than incompetence. Shirou is asked to teach her. By Souichirou, whom Caster will never disobey.
- Love Makes You Evil: All the atrocities she committed were just a desperate attempt to prolong her time with her Master. With that out of the way..
- Neutral Evil: In-Universe alignment.
- Nice to the Waiter: Is not. Medea takes the view that if service workers had any 'merit', they would not be in the service sector. Whether this has anything to do with her royal heritage is unclear. It doesn't help the waiter she interacts with is Lancer, who takes the opportunity to troll her.
- Odd Friendship: Develops one with Sakura of all people.
- Retired Monster: Since she has the only thing she wanted in the first place, Kuzuki and the ability to live with him. She's not doing anything evil and can in fact be both helpful and amusing, but she feels no remorse and would do such things again if it was necessary. Also, she still scares Shirou even though she likes him more than most.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers!: Mild example allowed her to get her and Souichirou to get married on paper without a ceremony. Caster simply bribed the official in a way that was heavily implied to be aided by her magic.
- When visiting Shirou, she casually rewrites the Bounded Fields at his house to ignore her, and steps in without even a greeting.
- Serious Business: No one has ever considered Medea their role model, so she goes to desperate lengths to preserve Sakura's admiration of her.
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: She can talk on and on about her 'husband'.
- Squishy Wizard: Shirou notes in his head at one point that apart from being an immensely powerful magus, she's basically just a normal woman. No awesome martial arts or super strength for her.
- Technician vs. Performer: Her idea of cooking makes her the Performer against Shirou's Technician. She disagrees with him when he mentions she should be a somewhat decent cook, since it isn't too different from her potions. Medea takes a more romantic view of the art, saying it has more to do with the emotions poured into her creations rather than following a rote list of steps to create wonderful food. Shirou is briefly stunned at Medea's show of passion.
- Took a Level in Cheerfulness: She's generally in a much better mood compared to the different routes in Fate/Stay Night, seeing as she has everything she wants.
- Too Much Alike: She hates Medusa partly because they come from the same era and country- an era when monsters often killed humans.
- Tsundere: It's not romantic, but she seems oddly approving of Shirou. Just remember that it's Caster's idea of approval.
- Villains Out Shopping: Shirou meets her a lot of times when he goes out shopping for groceries. She's not a villain anymore and wants to just live peacefully, but her status as ex-villain qualifies her as this.
- Would Hurt a Child: When a boy mocks her for hiding behind a lamppost, she threatens to polymorph him into an animal.
- Yandere: When jealous, she becomes..dangerous. To everyone in her immediate vicinity.
Voiced by:Shin-ichiro Miki
A Servant summoned by Caster to guard the gate of the Ryuudouji Temple. Assassin is a solemn character who delights nothing more than having a good fight and hitting on pretty girls. He is, however, an incomplete Servant, thus he is still linked with the gate and cannot travel further than the areas in the vicinity of the gate. With Assassin present in the story, True Assassin does not appear.
The Command Spell to guard the gate against all unwelcome intruders is still in place, due to this he appears very little except to troll Caster.
- BFS: His Monohoshizao, which is 170 cm long.
- Blood Knight: Now that there's no fighting going on, he's extremely bored. He's still stuck at the gate of the temple, so unlike the other blood knights like Lancer he can't even pick up any hobbies.
- The Casanova: To the point of flirting while battling, even though he does admit that he isn't very lucky with the ladies. When Shirou promises to bring a present to him, he asks for him to bring two flowers, and Shirou right away understands that he is asking him to bring Saber and Rider next time he visits.
- Demoted to Extra: Barely gets to do anything recisely because of his Command Seal.
- Every Japanese Sword Is a Katana: Averted: Assassin uses a nodachi just like his historical rival did.
- The Gadfly: Only around Caster, and it really pisses her off because he knows how magi think too well.
- Neutral Evil: In-universe alignment.
- Sarcastic Devotee: Assassin doesn't particularly like his master and makes no attempt at hiding this.
- Weak, but Skilled: Possibly an even better example than Archer.
Voiced by:Tomokazu Seki (adult), Aya Endo (child)
Most likely the strongest character in the series as well as the biggest jerk, Gilgamesh got tired of all the nonsense going on and drank a youth potion. Thus, he has reverted to how he was as a child, meaning he's a natural leader, talented, friendly and an all around a wonderful child. He appears rather regretful of how his adult self acted.
- Badass Adorable: His younger self may seem like an innocent sweetie, but he's still capable of driving away both Archer and Lancer, possibly at the same time.
- Bare Your Midriff: One of his outfits reveals his abs a little too well.
- Battle Strip: Apparently, in order to use his full power, Gilgamesh needs to remove all of his upper-body clothing first.
- Bishōnen: Sakura notes that he 'looks like a model'.
- Bi the Way: See the Screw Yourself entry further down below. Though it could just be Rule of Funny cranking his narcissism Up to Eleven.
- Cat Smile: His child form does this quite alot.
- Chaotic Good: In-universe alignment.. and let's just leave it at that.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: Once Gil reverts back to adult mode, get serious and brings out Ea, half a town's worth of monster familiars simply vanishes.
- Fan Nickname: 'Kin-Pika/Goldie', thanks to an Inseries Nickname by Rin.
- Fiction 500: His trademark ability is based on the premise that he owned everything in the world at one point. Also, he owns a water park that he closes for Shirou and his friends to have a private day out.
- Friend to All Children: His child form. Even his adult form seems to be well liked by the other kids.
- Fur and Loathing: His pimp-tastic civilian dress.
- Jerkass: Yeah, Gilgamesh is sort of a douche bag. Being covered in the Grail's 6 billion curses didn't make him crazy, but it did make an even bigger douchebag than he used to be.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kid Gilgamesh? Sweet, adorable, perfect and kind of ashamed at how he turned out. When he reverts back to adult form he's still arrogant, but he's alot nicer than before.
- Phenotype Stereotype: Uruk lay somewhere in what is Iraq today; needless to say, the mythological Gilgamesh was probably neither blonde nor fair-skinned. But you can probably attribute at least the eyes to his divinity.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: A sign of his demigod status.
- Screw Yourself: The hanafuda game has a hilarious conversation between Gilgamesh, Caren and Ko-Gil.Ko-Gil: Aaah...I see, nurture over nature..You have my condolences.Ko-Gil: You must have had some boss and some coworker for you to turn out into such a straight ma.. (Talking to Lancer)Gilgamesh: What are you doing? Why don't we hurry this up and take a, break..., oh, ooooooh ooooooooooh!!!!??Gilgamesh: I'm in the Brilliant Blind Date Zone of Absolute Destiny! Lancer, what is that adorable little thing!? Is it God!?Caren: I wouldn't have expected any less of you, King of Heroes. As long as it's blonde and has the body of a child, anything's fine right. But, that's a boy you know?Gilgamesh: Mrph. Fool, don't underestimate me peon! As long as it's cute, it's A-O-K. The true hero is not concerned with the likes of male and female!Caren: Oh my. Not only are you self-righteous, exclusionistic, self-centered, and imperialistic, but to think that you're also narcissistic..Ko-Gil: Ahahahaha. Everyone, let's finish this guy off first.Gilgamesh: Mrm, I messed up the flag-raising again. No options even appeared either. Just where did I did go wrong, Lancer?
- Sleep-Mode Size: Gilgamesh ingested an elixir of youth, which reverts him to a child.
- Supreme Chef: He mentions he has Hydra meat in the Gate of Babylon. Only he has the skill to cook it enough to make it edible.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: To the point where after reverting himself to that age, even he is appalled at what a jerk he turned out to be. Though he still does have a bit of an edge to him. Shirou wonders how such a nice kid could grow up to be Gilgamesh of all people.

Voiced by:Miki Ito
Shirou's English teacher and older sister figure. Her grandfather is a Yakuza boss who Kiritsugu was acquainted with, and thus, she and Shirou have known each other since he was a child. Although she's ostensibly his caretaker, she has no domestic skills, relying on Shirou to cook for her. Taiga was the star of the kendo club when she was in school, and might have become famous across Japan were she not disqualified from official tournaments for having a tiger strap.
Taiga's life and connections are more expanded upon than in Fate/stay night but is otherwise basically the same as can be seen in her entry here being almost exactly the same.
- Almighty Janitor: Taiga, since she's a third dan who should've progressed much higher if she wasn't banned from so many tournaments because of her tiger strap. Not that this has any impact on the story.
- Animal Motifs: Although she hates being called one, Taiga's mannerisms, style of dress, and penchant for (comedic) violence are all highly evocative of Tigers.
- Badass Normal: Word of God states that her mastery of Kenjutsu (Japanese Swordsmanship) is equal to that of Ryougi Shiki, the most fearsome warrior the Kara no Kyoukai sub: Nasuverse. Too bad she's definitely a normal.
- Berserk Button: Do not call her 'Tiger'.
- Christmas Cake: Famed as the 'woman least likely to be married in the whole west of Japan'. She herself doesn't seem overly concerned.
- Cute Clumsy Girl: Due to rushing around everywhere the has a tendency to crash into stuff.
- Genki Girl: Adult version.
- Girl Next Door: Was something of a Tomboy in her younger years, but now is slightly more ladylike. Slightly.
- Harem Nanny: She seems to have largely given up on policing everyone and just trusts to their own sense now.
- Image Song: Shared with Illya 'We Are Tora Buru'. Fun Personified indeed!
- Large Ham: THE large ham of the story thanks to how easily excited or overly emotional she gets. Her Taiga Dojo counterpart Shirou can meet is even more so.
- Lethal Chef: This is the reason why we never see her cooking at Shirou's place. Literally so. Shirou outright banned Taiga from his kitchen due to the so-called 'okonomiyaki bowl' incident where he arrived home only to find Sakura, Rin and Illya sprawled lifelessly about the living room, the latter writhing in pain on the table.
- Nice Girl: How she can be so upbeat and good natured with a crime boss grandfather is anybody's guess.
- Precocious Crush: Had a crush on Kiritsugu when she was younger. The time frame indicates this probably started around middle school at the latest.
- Replacement Goldfish: Of sorts, to Kiritsugu; she reminded him of his deceased childhood friend, Shirley.
- Shipper on Deck: Taiga seems to be actively trying to hook Shirou up with Sakura, which may explain her prior disapproval of allowing other females into the Kiritsugu household. Unfortunately, since Sakura doesn't approve of her more blunt attempts and teasing and has grown bolder, this has started to backfire on her.
- Team Mom: Subverted. The eldest member of Shirou's household and his teacher, Taiga is The Ditz, admittedly domestically unfit, and, outside Tiger Dojo, completely in the dark about magic and the Grail War.
- Weapon of Choice: A shinai with a cutesy tiger trinket strapped to it. She calls it 'Tora-Shinai'. It's actually a cursed weapon with an almost insatiable blood lust, The tiger strap lucky charm is the only thing keeping the damned thing sealed.
- Yakuza Princess: Completely subverted, in that despite being the granddaughter of a yakuza boss, she has none of the arrogant, cruel and/or hateful traits that come along with being this trope.
Voiced by:Mitsuaki Madono
The Student Council President, and one of Shirou's classmates. Issei is often asking Shirou to help out the student council by fixing broken equipment, and they have lunch together in the student council room. Due to the fact that they went to middle school together and frequently clashed, Issei hates Rin and is convinced that she's pure evil. In fact, he isn't very fond of most women due to his celibate nature, which stems from his upbringing as a Buddhist monk-in-training. His relations with his new sister in law are fairly chilly, though not outright hostile. He likes Saber, though, and appears to approve of Illya to some extent. Somehow.
He has the dubious honor of being the only male character with blushing sprites. Oh, does he blush.
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- Ambiguously Gay: He's noted as not liking girls much, tends to blush around Shirou, is rather possessive of him, somewhat jealous of Tohsaka and seems to be thought of as part of Shirou's harem by the school — once even getting into an argument with Shinji over whom the redhead should have lunch with. However, with Issei's character it's entirely possible that this means nothing.
- Bishōnen: Widely considered the best-looking guy in Homurahara, but his overly proper and serious personality keeps girls from approaching him. Himuro outright states that she thinks he has a boring personality.
- Crossdresser: Caster mentions being disappointed at having no one to dress up in pretty clothes and Shirou mentions that she could always use Issei, leading to a brief Imagine Spot as she considers the idea. Granted, we only see Shirou's imagination of what he might be wearing.. But it's awfully frilly.
- First-Name Basis: With Shirou
- Gay Option: Toyed with. He is one of the only men Shirou talks to, and the only one that isn't an enemy at some point. And he blushes a lot, especially while he's worrying over Shirou. And he grabs Shirou's arm and drags him away from Rin several times. When people are discussing Shirou's harem, Tohsaka, Sakura, Saber, Rider.. and then Issei are all mentioned.
- He-Man Woman Hater: His relationship with Caster appears slightly strained and he gets along better with her than most. He does seem to like Saber though and Shirou seems to think he has foeyay with Tohsaka.
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Issei's He-Man Woman Hater moments only occur with women who secretly possess magical powers like Rin and Caster, and he tends to use the word 'witch' a lot about the former despite being completely ignorant about everything related to magecraft. Considering Issei's training to become a monk, it's possible that this isn't a coincidence, but the game never provides stronger hints of this.
- Not What It Looks Like: At one point he and Ayako are discussing things related to the cultural festival when Shirou comes in and sees both of them close to each other with their shoulders nearly touching. They manage to explain it in the end. And then Issei and Shirou appear to go on what seems suspiciously like a date.
- Shipper on Deck: Issei is rather picky of Shirou's possible romantic partners. Besides absolutely disliking Tohsaka as an option despite their de facto relationship, he states that he would bless and support Shirou and his girlfriend if the latter were either Ayako or Saber. Issei says as much during a conversation with Himuro, and as afterthought he adds that he thinks Kane herself would be a good match for Shirou, which leaves her at a loss before retorting that he shouldn't say stuff like that.
- Shy Blue Haired Guy: He's supposed to be really shy. Of course, all his scenes are with his best friend.
- Single-Issue Wonk: He's a calm and very reasonable fellow except when Tohsaka or Shirou — his Sitcom Arch-Nemesis and best friend, respectively — are involved. And please don't get him started on the subject of their alleged romantic relationship or Issei will talk at length why he thinks Tohsaka isn't a good match for Shirou.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': Issei is fairly standard, but Ryuudou can and has also be transliterated as Ryuudou, Ryudou, Ryūdō, or Ryûdô depending on source.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Inverted. It's noted in-story that Issei's father was never nearly as handsome as his youngest son.
- Student Council President: Won't give it up until he finds an adequate successor. Not that he'd be allowed to.
- Unknown Rival: To Rin.
Voiced by:Shizuka Ito
Luvia is the head of the Finnish Edelfelt family and in good standing in the Clock Tower Academy. She's currently in the running for Student Council President. Although we almost always see her acting like a Rich Bitch since she's usually around Rin, she's actually a very proper, generous person. Rin just sets off her Berserk Button as a rival partly since her family was defeated in the Third War in Tohsaka territory, and she's looking to avenge the loss. Besides knowing almost exactly the same kind of magic Rin does, she's also a celebrated pro-wrestler.
- Alpha Bitch: After she finds out who Rin is in the boarding house of the Clock Tower, she acts just like this. Her target being Rin though, the end result was furniture being destroyed in the ensuing clash.
- Ascended Extra: She goes from a very brief mention at the end of one route of Fate/stay night, to a minor character in hollow ataraxia, to a featured character in Unlimited Codes (after an April Fool's hoax about a Fate wrestling game) and a main character in Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA. Seems she just gets more popular with time.
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign: Luviagelita? Really?
- Awesomeness by Analysis: Luvia instantly figured out Rin practices Chinese martial arts from the way she shifts her weight the first time they met. That led her to believe Rin was Chinese until she clarified the point.
- Berserk Button: Anything involving Rin, the Tohsakas, or the Third War.
- Boobs of Steel: Following the trend in this series, Luvia has quite large tracts of land and gives Rin an embarrassing beatdown with her pro-wrestling skills.
- Crazy-Prepared: Her dress has detachable sleeves in case she gets into a fight. She loses some preparedness points because she only came up with this after destroying a small fortune's worth of dresses.
- Defeat Means Friendship: In her Fate/Unlimited Codes ending. It has her and Rin beat the crap out of each other. Afterwards the two bicker briefly, then share a good laugh together while they're still both flat on their backs catching their breaths.
- Everyone Is Related: Implied. There are several hints suggesting that Luvia and Rin are related — second cousins, to be precise, but as close as first cousins genetically speaking for reasons soon to be stated — which would make their antagonism all the more hilarious. First, Rin states in one scene she's a quarter foreign (that is, one of her grandparents isn't Japanese and incidentally explaining her and her father's aqua-colored eyes) and given that her mother is a Zenjou according to supplementary materials, it follows that one of Tokiomi's parents is foreign. Second, from Bazett's time fighting a reproduction of the Third Holy Grail War, we know that the Edelfelt fought in it — a couple of twin sisters, each of them the Master of a different 'Saber' thanks to the magic trait of their bloodline called Ore Scales. This, on top of the fact that the Tohsaka family is always a participant, means that a Tohsaka magus (Tokiomi's father in this scenario) and the Edelfelt sisters most likely crossed path at some point. Third, both Rin and Luvia have access to an uniquely weaponized version of the Gandr, a sickness-inducing curse from Finnish origin. All this circumstantial evidence hints that perhaps the youngest Edelfelt twin didn't die in the War (possibly at her sister's hands, according to the rumor) as the history passed down the Edelfelt family says, and instead she got married into the Tohsaka and added her magical knowledge and version of the Edelfelt's Magic Crest to that of her new family, which could be the real reason why the Edelfelts hate the Tohsakas so much.
- Famous-Named Foreigner: She shares her surname with an actual noble family.
- Fiction 500: When she is kicked out of the boarding house following her epic fight with Rin in the lobby, she simply buys her own mansion near the school since 'boarding houses are too small anyway'. A before that, she tried to rent a whole floor at the boarding house.
- Finger Gun: The Gandr curse (also Rin's signature offensive spell) is launched like this. Luvia is proficient enough that she can fire actual energy bullets at a high rate of fire.
- Future Badass: Apparently in one future (according to an admittedly weird scene during a phone call held while Rin and Shirou were trapped in a magical treasure box) she teams up with Shirou to hunt down one of the 27 Dead Apostles.
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Even if it is gibberish, 'Luvia' is a plausible Finnish word and female name, at least morphonologically. And 'Gelita' sounds fancy enough to work, so 'Luviagelita' could be a highly unusual double name.
- Hidden Heart of Gold: Much like Rin, Luvia's got a 'magus persona' that she keeps around other magi lest they'll see as weak and move against her. This is best seen in Lord El-Melloi II Case Files though, where she gives off a strong aura of effortless superiority except for the few moments the eponymous character catches off guard. Her real personality shines through around people she genuinely likes (Shirou) or her Sitcom Arch Enemy (Rin).
- Noblewoman's Laugh: She's got a character sprite for it. Most seen in Unlimited Codes though.
- Ojou: A ridiculously rich young lady from a prestigious magus family.
- Ojou Ringlets: And as you might expect, they fit quite well with her noblewoman motif.
- Proper Lady: When Rin is not involved, she is actually polite, elegant and generous. It just so happens that many of her scenes involve Rin, so she appears more like a Rich Bitch.
- Professional Wrestling: Didn't see this coming with her character type, did you? But then, neither did Rin. This is actually an instance of Shown Their Work. The Real Life counterpart to Luvia's 'Lancashire-style of martial combat' is called Lancashirewrestling, and is actually one of the ancestors of pro-wrestling. If one scene wasn't enough for you, just play Fate/unlimited codes and you'll see the truth.
- Red Baron: Known as the 'Hunting Dog of the Ring' and 'Forklift Lady' for her pro-wrestling skills.
- Rich Bitch: Played With. She does treat 'commoners' well, but she doesn't hesitate to rub her pedigree and wealth in Rin's face, while putting down Rin as a rube from the 'backwater' of Japan. This has got more to do with the Edelfelts' grudge against the Tohsakas and the Holy Grail War than anything else.
- The Rival: To Rin, oh so very much. She takes every opportunity to compete and verbally spar with her. When she cameoed in the animated adaptation of Unlimited Blade Works, it was to challenge Rin in the wrestling Ring.
- Spell My Name with an 'S': Some people call her Luvia Zeritta instead of Luviagelita.
- Student Council President: Running for this position at the Clock Tower, anyway.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Rin as time goes on.
Voiced by: Haruhi Terada (Sella) and Miho Miyagawa (Leysritt)
Illya's maids, both of whom wear nurse uniforms which Shirou refers to as Florence Nightingale outfits, and make them look almost identical. When they're not wearing the hats, however, they're pretty distinctive. Sella, as a standard homunculus, claims she does not have a soul. Leysritt's existence is tied to Illya's soul and it is thus not entirely clear how she functions.
Despite both looking like they are in their twenties, they are in fact homunculi that Illya made about two years ago. She considers them to be failures. Despite this however, they're still homunculi, and are considered strong enough to threaten Magic Association enforcers in one-on-one combat.
- Artificial Human: Both, though Leysritt wasn't actually intended to be. She was just supposed to be the Heaven's Feel itself, meaning the dress. Illya is just too talented, though.
- Ascended Extra: The two of them barely appeared in the original visual novel. Here they get far more screen time to flesh out their personalities.
- Boobs of Steel: Leysritt is as strong as a Servant, and her Weapon of Choice is a huge halberd. As Archer points out in an amusing rant in the Tohsaka shrine, the weapon would be far too large to be practical for her size unless she also had insane strength. She also has possibly the biggest boobs in the game. Sella, on the other hand, is either normal or fairly flat and similarly possesses merely human strength.
- Bothering by the Book: Sella does not like Shirou and she's obviously displeased when Illya orders her to prepare a room for him so he can stay over the night at the castle. Still, as a maid, she obeys and gets ready a room for him — a middle-of-winter cold storeroom without any heating whose only furniture is a cheap sleeping bag, that is, while warning him the all the other bedrooms are off-limit due to anti-thief spells she can't remove at the moment because she had too much wine during dinner.
- Brains and Brawn: Sella is an excellent spellcaster and magic teacher, but her body is rather frail. Leysritt is as physically strong as Rider, but her thought processes and speech patterns are close to those of a child yet possessing enough Hidden Depths and emotional range make it difficult to qualify her as dumb.
- Can't Live Without You: Leysritt has a very strong connection to Illya and when Illya eventually dies, Leysritt is almost sure to follow her. The analogy made is that Leysritt is like Illya's arm.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Both Leysritt and Sella are this, although this is a lot more obvious with the former. One time Shirou managed to convince Sella there was a giant cake in the schoolyard, and she went off in a weird tangent about a cake monster that attacked Athens centuries ago. Really.
- Creepy Twins: Subverted; At first glance they appear this way, with the only visible difference between them being the colour of their outfits (Sella's is white and blue, Leysritt's is white and black) and the fact that Sella is quite emotional compared with Leysritt. However further inspection reveals that, despite certain shared physical traits (the albinism) they actually weren't created from the same physical template at all- Sella is taller than Leysritt, their hair styles are completely different, and Leysritt has muchbigger boobs than Sella (who's actually quite flat).
- Dumb Is Good: While not nearly as well-spoken as her sister, Leysritt is by far the nicer of the two. She also gets along well with Shirou for the same qualities that cause Sella to dislike him.
- Emotionless Girl: Leysritt has difficult with language and emotional display, coming across as rather robotic. However, she's quite close to Illya and appears to enjoy making fun of Sella.
- Friend to All Living Things: Sella, surprisingly enough. We don't get to see much of her nicer side because Shirou's the point of view character and Sella really doesn't like him.
- The Gadfly: Leysritt, oddly enough. One of her few pleasures seems to be picking on Sella at every opportunity.
- Girls Are Really Scared of Horror Movies: Sella's one weakness is that she's really afraid of ghosts. One time she insisted in having Shirou inspect the allegedly haunted wine cellar at the castle. Of course, she didn't admit aloud just why she wouldn't go to the basement on her own.
- Hoist by Her Own Petard: Sella's Bothering by the Book stunt where she sets up Shirou to sleep in a too-cold storeroom instead of one of the many guest rooms at the Einzbern Castle can backfire on her big time if Shirou choses to spend time with Illya in the courtyard prior. Illya will not only be less than pleased when she discovers what Sella did after visiting Shirou that night, but also will invite him to sleep in her own bedroom.
- Hulk Speak: Leysritt, also known as Liz, is not good with language.
- Immortality: According to Sella, standard homunculi like herself are essentially immortal as long as there's ambient mana available, though she implies that she does not have a soul and that her life is less meaningful than a human's.
- Jerkass with a Heart of Gold: Sella doesn't like humans in general, but she really has it against Shirou because he's Kiritsugu's son. The fact Illya likes him only further spurs that dislike. On the other hand, Sella dotes on Illya as far as her governess role allows to and she's a Friend to All Living Things and really good at taking care of animals and plants.
- Mystical White Hair: Like Illya and the rest of the Einzbern homunculi, Sella and Leysritt have snow-white hair. We don't get to see much of it due to their nun-like maid uniforms, though.
- Ninja Maid: Not actual ninjas, but Leysritt at least has Super Strength.
- Nonstandard Character Design: As noted in the Tiger Dojo they're drawn somewhat differently than the main cast.
- Servile Snarker: Sella's speech is unfailing polite towards Shirou as Illya's guest or vice versa regardless her personal dislike of him. Just her speech, that is. Sella still manages to be as rude as she can possibly get away with despite always referring to him with the respectful '-sama' honorific.
- Squishy Wizard: Sella has excellent magical ability, but she's rather frail.
- Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Sella is rather cold to anyone not named Illya.
- Super Strength: Leysritt's physical strength is on par with Rider's, the most physically powerful female Servant.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Sella, who like Leysritt was quiet in Fate/stay night to the point of seeming emotionless, is very vocal in her dislike of Shirou. If Shirou stays the night at Illya's castle, Sella will assign him a cold storeroom with an old sleeping bag and an air mattress as his 'bedroom'.
- Younger Than They Look: Very mature looking, for two year olds.
Voiced by: Eri Nakao (Yukika), Rie Nakagawa (Kane), and Michiru Yuimoto (Kaede)
Those three girls of the track team of Homurahara High School, they have one brief appearance in the Fate/stay night prologue as Rin's friends. After establishing that, they disappear for the rest of the game. In hollow ataraxia their roles have been expanded upon greatly: Yukika is the manager, Kane is the star jumper, and Kaede is the star sprinter. Tohsaka shrine revealed that the creators quite liked Yukika, but had to be restrained from stuffing her into many more scenes.
- Alpha Bitch / Jerk Jock: After Kaede finds out that Rin and Shirou are an item, she turns into this out of jealousy (as she apparently likes the status being Rin's friend gives, and doesn't want Shirou stealing that). She also protests a bit too much when her friends jokingly tease her about liking Shirou, though..
- Ascended Extra: They make two appearances throughout Fate/stay night: one in the actual game, one in Tiger Dojo. They have quite a few scenes in hollow ataraxia, though.
- Boobs of Steel: Kane is rather, uh, generously proportioned, and she is probably the most athletic normal human female in the series.
- Cloud Cuckoolander: Kaede gets called 'Fujimura Taiga #2' for a reason, and her 'thing' seems to judge stuff by their coolness factor. For example, Tohsaka being the unreachable Academic Alpha Bitch is cool, the idea of her friend Yukika trying to reach Tohsaka's 'level' by getting her to accept her lunchboxes is also cool, and the prospect of Kaede proving herself superior in some way to Rin is even cooler. However, fact that the Homurahara's School Idol is dating whom Kaede thinks is nothing but an Ordinary High-School Student like Shirou is totally lame because it makes Rin more of a normal girl in Kaede's mind and ruining the coolness of all the previous examples, which is the whole reason why she considers him her Sitcom Arch-Nemesis.
- Do Wrong, Right: Kaede dislikes Shirou on principle to Sitcom Arch-Nemesis levels. However, when she and her friends thought that he could betwo-timing Tohsaka and Mitsuzuri, she's more impressed than appalled. After all, cheating on Homurahara's School Idol idol with her closest second sure takes balls and suave-ness that Kaede sure never thought Shirou had in him.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Kaede is definitely one of these towards the Track team she's training for regional's, commanding one freshman to knock another over since he was lagging behind while running laps.
- Heteronormative Crusader: Out of the three, Kaede rejects the possibility of Ayako and Saber being an item the most.
- Locked Out of the Loop: So much it's the plot of the sidestory 'Love Detective Himuro', in which the three of them try to figure out the complicated relationship among all main characters.
- No Indoor Voice: Kaede is loud and easily excitable. This is especially true if you're playing the voiced version of the game.
- Odd Friendship: Yukika gets along oddly well with Assassin of all people.
- The One Thing I Don't Hate About You: Makidera considers Shirou her Sitcom Arch-Nemesis and gets upset pretty much whenever his name is mentioned. Notably, the one time she shows open admiration for him is when the track-and-field trio thinks he could be cheating on Tohsaka with Mitsuzuri. Odd as this may sound, Kaede seems to think a two-timing bastard is at least a step above the image of a brusque Ordinary High-School Student that she had of him.
- Red Baron:
- Kaede likes to be called the 'Black Panther of Homurahara'.
- Himuro gets called 'Madame' or 'The Madame of Homurahara'.
- Rule of Cool: The color of the glass Kaede sees the world through.
- Shameless Fanservice Girl: Himuro repeatedly holds Minori's arm against her considerable bosom simply because it's the most efficient way to keep the taller, stronger but shy guy from running away. Not even her own narration puts too emphasis on this.
- Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Kaede considers Shirou this to her since the moment she found out that he could be Tohsaka's boyfriend. See her Cloud Cuckoolander entry above for details.
- Smitten Teenage Girl:
- All three of them have a very obvious attraction to Archer as soon as they see him.
- While she denies falling in love with her, Himuro is absolutely stunned the first time she meets Saber.
- Those Three Girls: They do make a few appearances individually, but for the most part they are together when they show up.
- The Three Faces of Eve: Makidera is the Child, Saegusa is the Wife, and Himuro is Seductress.
Fate Hollow Ataraxia English Patch Mirror Moon 2
Voiced by:Fumie Mizusawa
The former captain of the archery club, she handed the mantle down to Sakura before the story began. She's a friend of both Shirou and Tohsaka, though there's also a feeling of rivalry in both relationships. Her role has been expanded upon, though she still doesn't show up very much.
- Ascended Extra: Barely more important than the three girls above in Fate/stay night, she becomes a more recurring part of the cast in Ataraxia and even gains a little brother.
- Club President: Archery club captain in Fate/stay night, she handed down the position to Sakura, who turns out to be surprisingly good at it. This leads to a power dynamic that is compared to rock paper scissors: Sakura scolds Taiga, Taiga uses her kendo credentials for sympathy from Ayako and Ayako uses her experience to shut Sakura down on the basis of not being able to control Taiga.
- Homoerotic Subtext: Played With. Rider seems to have developed a taste for her blood after she fed on her under Shinji's orders in the original visual novel. As a result, the Servant's behavior becomes suddenly predatory towards her whenever they run into each other. Ayako doesn't know this and thinks Rider is instead hitting on her in a rather insistent manner. The problem is that Ayako can't easily reject her apparent advances despite how uncomfortable they make her because she's enough of a martial artist to unconsciously tell she's no match against Rider in a fight and instinctively avoids provoking her, which only worsens the uneasiness Ayako feels around her.
- Malicious Slander: It's mentioned in the 'Himuro Love Detective' side-story that lots of spiteful rumors about her circulated after she was found unconscious in a back alley after Rider attacked her in the Fate/stay night and had to be taken into protective custody and hospitalized, like saying that she was involved in drug abuse and frequented 'dodgy places' completely in contradiction with her deserved honor student reputation until then. A Subverted Trope after Rider's Bloodfort Andromeda sent many Homurahara students into the hospital and the rumors about Ayako were all but forgotten in the wake of a much greater incident.
- Tomboy: The first time Shirou has ever seen her act girly was after an extended conversation with Lancer.
- Unknown Rival: To Shirou, whom she considers a Worthy Opponent in regards to archery. And if you're wondering, yes, she has a crush on him.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Tohsaka.
Voiced by:Toshiki Masuda
Ayako's little brother, he appears just about as much as Shinji ie. basically never. He has a crush on Sakura that everyone but her seems to know about, even Shirou. Apart from that he seems a bit sulky.
- Butt-Monkey: His embarrassing secret, ferreted out of him by 'Love Detective' Himuro, is that Ayako made a bet with Rin over which of them would be the first to get a boyfriend. When it then looked like Rin was going to win as she got close to Shirou, Ayako forced her little brother to come with her in disguise and pretend to be her boyfriend for Rin's benefit so she wouldn't lose.
- Entertainingly Wrong: Minori seems to think that, purposely or not, Shirou's leading Sakura on while keeping himself in good terms with several other attractive women.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Downplayed. Obviously jealous of Shirou because his crush has an obvious crush of her own on the redhead, though he also seems to respect him and is not above asking him for help about a good gift for Sakura. The most Minori gets up to is interrupting them when he's got a good excuse to do so.
- Hopeless Suitor: Has a crush on Sakura. Yeah, we're sure that's going to work out well considering how badly the girl has it for her 'Senpai'.
- Irony: It kind of hurts when the man she's in love with, a Clueless Chick MagnetOblivious to Love, notices that you like her but she doesn't.
- Loving a Shadow: When Shirou asks Minori what he likes about Sakura, he describes aspects of her 'public' personality that aren't too close to her real nature. While it's understandable given that he mostly knows her from their time in the Archery Club, the implication that Minori would be woefully unprepared to be a real part of his crush's life is kinda sad.
- Worthy Opponent: While Minori is well aware that Shirou is his rival in love, he also seems to respect him, which is something he most likely picked up from his sister's admiration of Shirou as a Worthy Opponent in the archery range and solidified after both guys meet in person. Afterwards, Minori's biggest beef on him is that he thinks that Shirou could be leading Sakura on without intending to commit himself to her.
Fate Hollow Ataraxia English Patch
Voiced by:Junko Noda
The daughter of the owner of the 'Copenhagen' liquor store where Shirou works part-time. Also an old classmate and friend of Taiga.
- Ascended Extra: She made an extremely small appearance in Fate/stay night, showing up in a single optional scene on the first day. She appears more in Hollow Ataraxia, although she's still not a major character.
- Embarrassing First Name: She hates her name 'Otoko' because it's a homophone of the Japanese word for 'male' and prefers to be called 'Neko'.
- Eyes Always Shut: In keeping with her nickname, 'Neko', it makes her look rather catlike.